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Miniflotor vs Piccolo?


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Any opinions on the Aqua Medic Miniflotor skimmer?

(See here at Ocean Encounter.) The ASB (Almighty Search Button B) ) didn't turn up anything. I'm looking for something small to fit in a HOB fuge on a 10gal and wondered about the Miniflotor vs the elusive Piccolo. Alternatives gladly considered too!





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That one "looks" much taller than the piccolo, so you may have trouble finding a HOB deep enough to put that in. It looks similar in dimensions to the lee's. If it does fit it might be more efficient than the piccolo b/c of the increased height and contact time of the bubbles.

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Thanks Yup. I couldn't find dimensions for the Miniflotor on the Aqua Medic website; e-mailed them last week but no reply :angry:



I'm going to have Fuge Guy make a custom fuge with a compartment for the skimmer, and since I'm using the All-Glass "molded base" under the 10-gallon I could actually make the fuge a couple of inches taller than the tank itself. So hopefully the skimmer will fit. In any case I can get a deeper DSB in the fuge B)


I'll also throw one more candidate into the ring: anyone used the Red Sea Berlin Air Lift? (Love the product name :D )



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the airlifts are money-i have both an airlift and piccolo-as far as i'm concerned the airlift is even a better design-and far less elusive. i've heard that the miniflotor uses the same collection cup as the turboflotor (if that gives you any idea on size-purty big). HTH!


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TG -- Thanks, that helps a lot. For the Air Lift, would you be able to tell me the height (the submerged portion, including airstone and tubing) and the diameter (widest point)? I want to size the chamber in the fuge accordingly.


Thanks again,



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Quick update:


Red Sea replied with dimensions for the smaller Air Lift -- height 11.5", diameter 3.5".


I also asked about air pumps; they recommended the Luft or equivalent with 5 lpm output. The Schego M2K3 fits the bill and I've read good things about Schego here. What are you using on the Air Lift TG?



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