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Frogspawn in Nano


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I have always found the frogspawn to be an attractive coral that i hoped to keep but i have become aware of their aggressive nature which, i have been told, require adequate space between the frogspawn and other corals.


i have browsed through a few tank shots, including some from this site, and i have seen the frogspawn in 10 gallon nanos placed directly side-by-side with other corals.


so i am assuming this is possible without affecting neighboring corals.


so now my question is.. what corals can be placed as neighboring corals with the frogspawn without ill affects on both corals. and also, how do frogspawns do in nanos growth-wise.. like do they stay confined to their own space and grow slowly or do they grow very quickly and require trimming every so weeks or months?


i remember reading frogspawns have sweepers about six inches in length... does anyone know if these sweepers generally sweep upward or downward or all over? because if it sweeps only upward then having it placed on the peak of a live rock may be a safe place for it without affecting the surround corals...

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The sweepers will go in every direction you don't want them too. I would place zooanthids or GSP in the area. They are pretty low growing and it takes alot to bother them. Just don't let shrooms get near em. They will melt in less than one day.

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well first off there are many types of frogspawn and different ones will behave differently. the most common ones are th ones that are green with pink dots and they can be agresive, but i have one in my tank that touches a bubble next to it everyday with no prob. the sweepers will go with the flow in the tank, os if the flow is to the left placing the FS on the far left will decrease the amount of danger it poses to other corals.


i really wouldnt worry about it thought man. they are agressive, but they arent going to wipe out another coral in a day. you can move everything untill it all gets worked out.


and i dontthink you will need to trim the coral that much. the only way to frag corals like that is to cut off individual heads, and it will take months for heads to fully split and grow apart from other ones. i think its a good coral for a reef if you have the lights

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They grow slowly under PC light. I have mine in direct contact with my hammer coral. They're cousins or something and don't sting eachother. Lately my froggy has been touching my xenia with no problems. I've never seen any sweepers come out of it, other than the normal tentacles. I wouldn't let it touch shrooms or zoos though. Overall I would say that its a fairly nano-friendly coral as long as you give it space. I always thought it would be cool to have a euphilia-only nano. With all different frogspawns and hammers.


I also have a moon brain coral, and man, that thing packs a wallop. Took out half of a ricordia overnight with 1 sweeper.

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I had one small frag which grew like mad. My tank is an eclipse with 2x32 W smartlite lighting (12 hr photoperiod). It got killed after a frogspawn malfunction.

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I keep my frogspawn near my pom pom xenia to keep em' in check cause they grow like a weed.. but besides that I'd keep it away from other corals if possible.

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Here is the pic, FlyGTI. Taken about a week ago. Note that itfrequently touches with the other torch, and so far they tolerate each other very well. The other day it caught a piece of fish food and ate it.

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Get the smallest frag you can and watch it take off. I got my neon green frogspawn about 2 years ago when buying "nano frags" from someone. Asked hm for the smallest possible frag he could find. TINY, indeed: 1/8" thick, 1" long stalk with 3 polyps on it!!


I have never had a problem with sweepers, but it does really expand from time to time.


Well, it did exceedingly well, and I have probably fragged 20 heads from it, and it still has 5 main stalks, expands to about 6-7" in diameter (it's in my 65 now) and my false perc hosts in it:



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Nice! I'm glad to hear that it's doing well for you.


The xenia didn't end up making it. I think it got swept away by the current, and that ended up doing it in. Thanks for it, though. I appreciated it.

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Let me hit you up for some of that later on in the summer, if it's all right with you. Perhaps you could start a small culture on a vacant shell or something?


I'm dealing with a cyano outbreak right now, as well as a little hair, and I don't want to start a new coral when the tank isn't ready for it.


Thanks for the offer! I'll let you know when I'm ready for it.

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