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Cultivated Reef

Pom Pom or Porcelain


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pom pom i love em!


Lol I've never owned one but they sound like they have some personality! My LFS has porcelain crabs in and I love watching the way they eat. So any reason why the pom poms would be better?

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i have a porcelain crab and it can be a bit anoying because it can irritate my smaller anemone, since it has been kicked out of the large anemone by my new perc clowns.. its a really pretty crab, and it molts regularly which is good cos it sits at the top of my tank close to the rocks so it gets a bit of hard brown algea growing on its shell which can look bad at times. i think a pom pom crab would be better because it has two anemones lol but porcelen also has the nice filter feeding fans. both would be cool im assusming aslong as they have their own hang out place.

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I loved my porcelain crab (there are two types - anemone and non-anemone ones) entertaining to watch feed....I however also love my pompom crabs - I truly think these are the only two non evil crabs (the rest are opportunistic devil spawn)

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Just got my pompom yesterday. Haven't seen him since I acclimated him but can't wait until he gets used to his new home and comes out to shadow box.......

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