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Innovative Marine Aquariums

New Maroon!


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How will I know when they have mated and/or when enough is enough/good try/ not working out between the two?

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I don't know if they will mate that soon. But you'll know that they have paired up when the fighting stops. You'll see dispute here and there with the male twitching like crazy(it's a courtship). You'll know it's not working out when one keeps getting the crap beaten out of it.

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I want to try to order one off of the internet, simply because it is cheaper. How would I know what size mine would be considered?

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I have tried maroon pairing before and its not easy. Mine failed. I thought they worked it out. After a few days of cosy snuggling, the female chased the male so hard that he jumped. I wasn't there.


If you really want to do it, get the smallest male you can find. Have to be less than 1 inch.

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Mine is about an inch. Well.. about an inch and a half. It is hard to tell though because it is still hidden. Anyways, I have to go to bed now because of an ortho apointment tomorrow.

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He is moving more inside the cave now, not just standing still. I am soooo tempted to chase the thing around with a turkey baster to make it acctually swim around. If I do that it will probbably hate me forever and kill its self.

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It is in a different place in the cave. It looks like it is pondering the thought of exiting.


Patience.....don't rush it.

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My Clown Has come out of the cave! It is swimming around in the back corner of the tank. Thanks everyone for keeping me from chasing it around the tank with a turkey baster! :lol:

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