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Ok, I have a 20H with 240w of light (all pc) and I run a Mag7 return pump off of my 10g sump/fuge. Which is about 400gph and I also have two hagen 201 (126gph). Do I have enough light/flow for clams? I have a monti cap that is growing well and I also have two monti dig that are growing great, actually one is a frag off of the other.


Is there anything special I should know about clams before I get one. I have the chance to get a maxima that is 1.5" long for $12.29.


I am just trying to figure out if I must go with metal halide or not. Any help would be appreciated.

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People have done it....

But: I think when clams are young lighting isnt nearly as important as it is when they are full grown. They feed on micro-organisms in the water column when they are young for nutrition and as they age they rely more on photosynthesis to survive. Someone please correct me if im wrong.

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Ok, thanx....I am not trying to correct because I may be wrong. But I think you might have it backwards....altho I am prolly wrong. Well, I do appreciate your reply, hopefully the light will be enough. I cant seem to find a fixture for like $150 or less that has a halide and pc in a hood with a fan. And I definitly don't want to spend any more than that! Know what I mean?

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Your light will not be a problem, so long as the Clam is within 8-12 inches from the light. Anything lower than that will not be good enough for PC's lose intensity very quickly as you go lower in the tank. 240 over a 20 gal is more than enough. I would read all you can and focus on the water quality, dosing and feeding for you new baby. That would be more of a determining factor than lighting.

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thanx, right now I dose a capful of each daily, part a & b, tech-m then weekly I dose tech-i & dt's. I don't think I should have to worry about anything else.


My fuge has tons of pods and worms that I can see in the night time with the fuge light also I can now see a lot in the display tank because I run a led moonlight.

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Brooklyn Johnny

Your lighting and flow will suit it fine, but realize that there are other factors. Go for it. Keep in mind they don't like too much flow, especially directly. I just saw you mentioning flow and wanted to make it clear that while clams enjoy the benefits of a healthy reef tank with lots of flow, they themselves do not do well in areas of direct high flow...


PS- $12.29!!! What is that like 4th grade brown? :D



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Actually no, not 4th grade brown...it is really nice blue.


I will post a pic in a week or so. Thanx for the advice on the water flow, I will keep that in mind.

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Brooklyn Johnny

I was just kidding (and jealous) Macn... congrats on the find and welcome to nanoclamlandia...



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doesnt petsupplyliquidators have some cheaper halide setups?


Also, look into horticultural balasts. I found everything but the bulb for under $100 awhile back.

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Actually, I tried that myself a few years back. I purchased two 175W ballast and pendants made for horticulture. I hooked up 10K Blueline bulbs to them and fired it up. It looked like I was running two 30W NO. I am not sure what the problem was maybe just got two bad ballast.


If you used ballast and fixtures for horticulture, which brand did you use, which bulb and did it work for you?


Thanx all!

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I wonder if that is true, if so...I would use an Iwasaki 6500K. I love those bulbs.


Does anyone here know if this is accurate?

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Bakc to the need of light when they are young. Raise was right, they dont rely on light as much when the are young. The get alot of their nutrients from Filtering the water. But that is not to say they dont need light, Just a little less when they are young

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Thanx donkey.....figured I had it backwards.


Well, I decided against the clam and I am going to tear down the 20H. Tired of the fuge, noise, mess, and not filtering like it should. I have decided to go with a 29g with 2-65W pc and just grow softies, LPS and some montis. I know a guy that is growing acros and montis and are doing great under the same lighting.


Thanx for all the help and the information.

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thats a shame MacnReef, I recently put two maxima's in my 20 with 220w of PC lighting and they seem to be doing great so far....



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yeah I know, actually, I am having a major problem in the tank with a macro algae that is growing on everything. I can not control it. Once I move everything over, I will probably scrub off the algae with a tooth brush. And yes it is MACRO.


Actually, the night before last a snail covered up one of my drain lines and my return pump kept pumping, of course. And luckily my wife woke up and went into the living room to find water pouring out of the aquarium onto the floor and all electrical outlets. What a way to be waken up! Anyways, too many problems with the fuge. Again I appreciate everyones help!

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I agree with Raise, your lights should do fine with young clams (1"-2") as long as you feed them some Dt's or KORALvitF and try to keep them up in the rock work closer to the lights.



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