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Keep the one damsel or get two percs?


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The damsel is a bit plain looking but he's almost always moving. The clowns look nicer but I have heard they don't move around the tank nearly as much with their hosting habits and all. Am I right about this?


And does anyone have a pair of gobies they find to be good tank mates? I am just considering my options as far as having two fish in my tank soon. For now it's just that lone damsel. Of course I coudl always "upgrade" him to a more attractive damsel species but even that would have to be kept in solitary.





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What size was your tank??


Personally Id go with a pair of gobies.. They are so active and have great personality. In my 55g i have a pair of red heads which I love and also a pair o yellow watchman.. Itd be hard to say which ones I like better but Gobies are killer. Im gonna get atleast one more pair of gobies, maybe two. :)

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I had a percula clown in my old tank who lived with a picasso trigger, a niger trigger, a lion, a couple of blennies, and a bananna wrasse, and he was my favorite fish. He moved alot and he was feisty.


I am going to get a perc for my new 10 gallon nano tank. I think they are awesome fish.


He did have one problem though that drove me nuts. He would completely attack my hands whenever I cleaned the tank. I was always weary about cleaning it with the Lionfish and it would startle the heck out of me everytime the perc bit me. It didn't hurt but it was shocking. Pretty funny.

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