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Innovative Marine Aquariums

My 40G breeder


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Well I did it! I baught a 40G Breeder (36*18*16) with matching stand. Love the dimensions! Tank looks massive :) Currently in the "buying equipment" stage.


Here's the plan.




Sunlight Supply 36" Tek Light T5 Fixture - 6-Bulb, 6 x 39W (already purchased)


Not sure on the bulb combination yet but I can get cheap T5s at my LFS.


Water movement


The tank will be drilled. Water will flow to a 20L sump. I will have a MAG12 (already purchased) pumping water back to the tank. The return will be split into two. One return on the right and one return on the left. Both returns will be connected to a sea-swirl (will be buying soon). I've done my calculations and I'll have about 800-900 GPH.




Euro-Reef RS80 In-Sump Protein Skimmer (already purchased). Good for up to 80 Gallons. Heard good things about it.


I will be drilling the tank in the next 2 weeks and setting up the plumbing then. Pictures will be up soon after.

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Sounds good, the only thing i would change is a slower return pump and do a closed loop on the sea swirl

is the sump just for the skimmer or is it also a fuge?

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Sounds good, the only thing i would change is a slower return pump and do a closed loop on the sea swirl

is the sump just for the skimmer or is it also a fuge?


The sump will have the skimmer in it as well as a fuge area. It has been suggested to me to do a closed loop and use a smaller return pump before. What is your reasoning behind this?

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I have the same tank and the same skimmer, that is too much flow through your sump. It doesnt give the skimmer enough reaction time to filter the water before it is sent back up to the tank. I use an oceanrunner 2500 which is 600 gph and I have a valve on it and have it cut back about halfway. After I put the valve on I saw my skimmer producing better skimmate. Another reason is the heat that the mag 12 puts out. You could either use a closed loop or low wattage powerheads like the Hydor Koralias or Tunze nanostreams. It will be much quieter too, and another thing is you would need a 1.5 inch bulkhead to drain that amount of water and your standpipe would be pretty bug not to mention the noise it would make.

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Yeah I used a Panworld PX50-X on my 58 gallon, almost the same dimensions and I had to turn back my return because of the microbubbles. Also, turning down the flow allowed my heater to actually heat my water, because before it was going to fast.

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