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Circusordie16's Custom 5 Gallon


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thanks! mr.fishman, i didnt get my glass from nano-paul. i found a local shop that was pretty inexpensive and i didnt have to ship it so i just went with that place.

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Cool little tank now put a mantis in it :)

Should have stole the tank build idea i had you render for me and scaled it down for yourself I bet fad2blacxk could have built it for you pretty darn cheap

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yeah enraged tell me about this after i make it. haha just kidding, i kinda wanted to make it myself just for fun and id idnt wanna have to make it wider for the rear chambers because its gotta be easy to move. speaking of easy to move, ill be moving it down to school tomorrow so lets all hope it goes smoothly. planning on just putting the live rock and corals in some tupperware containers for the ride and lowering my water level to the sand and moving it like that.


other than that i put some legs on the light and made a top and have just been watching stuff grow. more pictures will come after the move!

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alright i made it down to school, finally got my apartment arranged, and finally got some internet and took some pictures. the move went much smoother than expected and besides a watertight container that wasnt nearly watertight, nothing scary even happened. everythings very happy in its new place so its good. heres a full tank shot followed by a picture of my little frag shelf thats slowly getting fuller and fuller as i break little pieces of my monti and zoas.






heres one of my pink blasto thats recovering from a yuma sting



my green birdsnest that i fragged out of fear of stn but now both pieces are doing well. knock on wood.



and two of my acan echinata thats becoming one of my favorites.




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looks like your having a slight algae problem (any CUC?)... but other then that the tank looks great... i love the little frag rack and your rock work looks great...

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yeah ive had an algae issue for a while but im slowly winning. i havent been able to find anything to eat it, my current cuc is 2 astreas and 2 stomatellas and they clean up everything except the hair algae. i figure once i get some macroalgae ill be set.

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nothing too exciting at the moment except for my 5 headed micro frag has 6 babies sprouting out right now. just had to tell some people that would actually understand the excitment haha.

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haha i know how you feel... i still get the "where are you fish" comments... no one looks at my coral with the excitement i do... oh well i just tell them GFY




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Tank looks great, really nice pico. Consider a clown goby( could be bad) or maybe a smaller goby or shrimp goby. You might want to go fishless, which is cool, Im just throwing that out there.

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haha i know how you feel... i still get the "where are you fish" comments... no one looks at my coral with the excitement i do... oh well i just tell them GFY



haha yeah my roommates and anyone else who wanders in always ask why i have a fish tank with no fish. my one roommate just realized yesterday that all the colorful things are alive.


Tank looks great, really nice pico. Consider a clown goby( could be bad) or maybe a smaller goby or shrimp goby. You might want to go fishless, which is cool, Im just throwing that out there.


im considering getting a small goby but only after this algaes under control. im not sure yet.


Emerald crabs love hair algae. Might try one. I love mine.


havent looked at emerald crabs, thanks for the tip. the only thing is that my tank doesnt seem to like crabs for some reason. my first hermit crab lived for about 5 months and then died and i got 3 more after that one and they lasted no longer than a few weeks each. dont know what that was about but maybe its time to try a crab again.


hecsrt- you have a pm

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so apparently acros are vicious. my green birdsnest got knocked into my acro by a snail while i was out. when i got back i moved them apart again and there was slime everywhere. next day, the acros is better than ever while the birdsnest has some burns/dead areas so well see how that recovers. stupid snails.



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got some updated pictures. the birdsnest got messed up by my acro but its ok. and my red and green micro is spitting out babies like its its job. the 5 headed colony has 7 babies which is pretty sweet.






















and some more because i got cut off last time.







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  • 2 weeks later...

kind of an update. my birdsnest is recovering from the acro attack and my acro has been acting kinda funny as the bottom polyps havent been coming out but now theyre starting to peek out again. got some chaeto from kismetsh that will hopefully eliminate my algae problem. ill post some pictures as soon as engineering classes decide to stop ruining my life.

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Just wanted to know how you keep this tank so clean. Only one filter? and what silicone did you use to glue the glass together? Thanks.



the sand has just stayed that clean naturally, the only clean up crew i have is two astreas and 2 stomatellas. the algaes a work in progress but once that goes away it should be sparkling (hopefully). i have two ac20s on the back and i used DAP brand silicone for the glass. just make sure its free of any mildew preventing chemicals.


heres a few pictures that i finally managed to take, be warned they arent too great.
















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  • 5 weeks later...

You've got some incredible coral! I really like the tank, too. It looks a lot bigger than it actually is, really cool for only 5 gallons!


Can you take a pic of your red macro algae? Did it some attached to the rock, and if not, how did you attach it?

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  • 2 weeks later...

sorry everybody, i havent checked this lately, ive been busy.


lurch- i used super glue to make the eggcrate shelf. i just sanded the contact surfaces a little bit so they werent so slick and used regular super glue.



thanks hoobahans, youve been providing some excellent pictures lately that ive seen. the red macro algae just showed up one day on my live rock, it wasnt something i purchased. it actually died off in one spot but is regrowing in a different spot. it seems to go through cycles as its died off and regrown a few times and doesnt seem to like being trimmed. ill try to get a picture soon.


heres a couple updated pictures. first is my blue ric thats splitting and growing new mouths constantly.



my echinata thats getting weird colors and constantly changing.



one of my little zoa frags that i have growing out. its tripled in size since last picture.



and last is my blue micro. i split the little colony i had and this is the smaller half.


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  • 2 weeks later...

moved the tank back home from school on friday and that was real traumatic haha. water temperature got down to about 70 for awhile and i was real convinced i was gonna lose some stuff but everything came through perfectly fine. picked up a couple nice encrusting montis today that ill get pictures of soon. ones a superman i got for fairly cheap because it doesnt have the best coloration at the moment so hopefully it will come back and the other is a purple monti that i forget the species name of.

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