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Blood Shrimp?


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Hey everyone, I'm new to nano-reefing and need help. I have heard of fire/blood shrimps picking on zoanthus and mushrooms. Is this true and if so does it rarely occur? Would the fire shrimp also get along w/ sexy shrimps, Alpheus Randalli, and a Skunk Cleaner Shrimp all in a 12-24 gallon tank?


Thanks for your time

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I've never seen nor heard of a fire shrimp eating zoanthids or mushrooms. However, they have been known to fight with/eat cleaner shrimp. I don't suggest mixing the two in anything smaller than 24 gallons. (although, even with a 24 you still might encounter problems with compatibility)


Skunks should be able to get along with sexy shrimp, as far as I know.

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Some Sexy Shrimp will pick at mushrooms and other softies and pick food out of some LPS after its already inside of them causing all kinds of damage. Some seem fine and never harm anything other seem to by dancing terrors. People swear they do best in groups of 3 or more and if spot fed small meaty chunks they don't attack your coral. I still think I'm going to take my chances and order 3 of them for my Picotope.

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I've got a blood shrimp, their beautiful shrimp, and they wont attack corals. The only thing is, you can't have a Softie or a LPS coral in it's territory, cause it will climb on it and damage it.


I'm not sure if it will attack other cleaners...You could try and see if they get along. As long as they don't bother the Blood shrimp, it shouldn't bother them.


One warning: the blood shrimp will "attack" you for food. lol, if you don't have food, it cleans your hand. :D


heres mine:




EDIT: I think it MIGHT pick on smaller shrimp, blood shrimps get big, mine is about as big as my thumb.

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I think my blood (fire) shrimp is a dud - Maybe it needs a pal to hang with - All it does is hide in a cave till tank is fed - Then it comes out, grabs something to eat and retreats to it's cave.


The thing about it not getting along with other shrimp makes some sense. I had a peppermint that seems to have disappeared shortly after the introduction of the blood/fire shrimp



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My bloodshrimp doest that too. Just, since it's "territory" is the middle of the tank, theres no hiding spot there. At night, he sleeps behind the rock, on top of the heater.


EDIT: he usually stays out alot, but if you do any fast movements, they get scerred away.

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