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Breath of fresh air at the LFS today!


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While I was at the The Aquarium Center in clementon NJ(a great lfs)I became even more impressed with the place. While i was just looking at all the fish i heard the head marine fish guy repremanding/explaining to a man and his son about how fish should be kept. From what i gathered the two wanted to keep a large amount of salt water fish in a small tank with out LR or much of a filter. While he was explaing the reasons as to why things need to be a certain way he more or less said "i will not sell these fish to you unless I know that the fish are going to be given a fair shot. I'm not going to let you kill these fish just b/c you thought a few extra would look pretty."


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Sounds good to me. The place up the street from me is just the opposite. They get live rock and corals in all the time and don't even have enough light to keep andthing alive and they use the city water as a source. They have red algae all over the place and you can't even see the sand. It really sucks for me because the closest good place from my house is about 40 minutes away.

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Thats good, wish more lfs'ers did that. Unfortunatley, he wont do as much business if he cares about livestock. Can't have your cake and eat it to, I suppose.

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Although he may lose some business in the short run many more people go to that store b/c of the reputation it now has for having such ethical and knowledgable workers.


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man i wish there were fish stores here like that. over here. anyone can buy any kinda of livestock the want. plust he owner always get wild caught clowns, theyll last for a few days then they go to fish heaven.

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