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Acan Lord Vs. Micro, how do you tell them apart?


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i'm leaning towards acan lord based on the tentacles. micromussa tentacles have tentacles closer to the color of their outside skirt, which is sort of tucked underneath. when they are untucked, the over shape kinda looks like an onion, as the tentacles point inwards. hope that made sense


ARGGHHH!!! the confusion :(

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i'm leaning towards acan lord based on the tentacles. micromussa tentacles have tentacles closer to the color of their outside skirt, which is sort of tucked underneath. when they are untucked, the over shape kinda looks like an onion, as the tentacles point inwards. hope that made sense


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looks like an acan to me too.


If you place acans and micros very close to each other they should sting / kill each other. That's one way of telling :P

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they are lord, see the "candy cane" stripes? I've yet to see a micro with stripes, altho some lords don't have them, but that's is a pretty good way to tell, also, my acans are puffier than my micro's, don't know if that helps much but in all the micro's I've seen, they don't puff up nearly as much as a lord does. (my lfs had a sale and they had a bunch of lords and micros next to each other, I thought was kinda obvious, but, I hope this helps...)

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They're obvious in some regards, but in others or on photo's it's hard for me to tell. Adin, put them on 1/2 inch eggcrate so we can get a idea on size.

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stripes courtesy of http://www.reefdoctormicromussas.com :happy:









Woah! Those are some great looking Micros!! I've never seen that site before.


I'm sure it's been stated before, but what is the growth rate like on micros (on average)?

Is it a new polyp per month, 2 months, or slower?

Right now I'm running 150w 14k Phoneix HQI and keeping my Ca around 450.

I also feed the reef twice a week with Coral Frenzy.

What can expect if I actually bite the bullet & pickup some of these sweet things?

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They say the best thing to do before buying any micros is to do a website for a guy who has a bunch of em.


Heh heh heh....


They grow pretty darn quick. I bought 2 polyps of one in April that is now 12.


I have some nice ones for you...... :)


But your money goes waaaaaaay farther with just about any other coral.


I am quitting new micros---too 'spensive.


Adin--I think yours are micros--all full grown.

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They say the best thing to do before buying any micros is to do a website for a guy who has a bunch of em.


Heh heh heh....


Haha... Yessses Masta. Just takin a break from the site. :P

All done with the move now so things will move alot quicker.

I moved my tank yesterday... 5 hours... bleh & my new house is only a mile away from the condo I use to rent!


Anyway, be sure to save me some nice ones Mark. Can't wait to get everything wrapped up and get some of that good stuff I keep hearing everyone talk about. :D


I'm going to the NW Coral Farmers Market this Saturday. I think I'll try to stick to picking up SPS since it sounds like you've got all the good LPS covered.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Sorry Guys that I did not find this sooner or I would have at least tryed to clear this up as there has been soo much confusion by all on this topic as of late... Because of all the Aussie acans coming in that have been IDed as Micro basically I rely on one, single, simple Statement by Vernon...



"Colonies are cerioid with neat angular corallites up to 8 millimetres diameter"




The majority of the polyps that there is confusion over are more in the 10-12mm range so there is no confusion.. also the specemin does not have to be dead to examine... you can dip the micro into cold water 40 degrees and it will entirely pull into itself allowing easy measurement... it will quickly return to normal... SO the easy answer is that ALL micromussa are less than the size of a pencil eraser...


LOL er almost ALLL

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