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Whats wrong with this PB tang?


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I went to Deathco (petco) to see what their tank prices were. When I went to see the fish, theres was a Pacific Blue tang that was beat up so bad! I felt so sorry for it, I allmost baught it to take care of it and bring it back to health (or try at least ). It's tail was beat up so bad, and it's fins were the same. It was pale, and had white along the top, and bottom of his body, and it's back fin was white along with it's whole face (cept a spot behind the eye). What was wrong with it?

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stress most likely or other fish beating it up, one of my clowns that I bought at petco looked the same way, I felt sorry for him so I bought him, started feeding him some cyclopleeze and his fins all healed and he turned an awesome orange color

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lol...I feal bad for not getting the tang...it's just I don't have a big enough tank setup yet...


Could the white be an advanced stage of Ich? I hear it looks like salt on them, but it was just like his color turned white. The fin thing was probebly form the other tang in the tank....

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I think they keep their salinity really low so that the fish cannot get ick too easily, Im sure its diet isnt too good though, they need to constantly eat algae/seaweed

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It is petco. Need I say anything else? Do not buy fish from them even if you feel bad. It only encourages them to order and toucher more fish.

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I wouldnt recommend it either, I was having a hard time finding a mate for my other clown locally and I did what I had to do and got lucky that it lived.

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yea, I don't want deathco getting a hold of anymore fish that they use cyanide to catch. I bet they did that...I hate deathco, we should sue them lol

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Petco doesn't use cyanide to catch there fish? They use the same distributors as all the LFS. They even get clowns from ORA.

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well, Most people in the phillipenes or Fiji (which is were most Blue tangs are from) use Cyanide, even though its illeagal. I'm not saying they buy from Cyanide users, but just looking at them suggests they do. And even if they don't use cyanide, the fish still have cruddy living space in those small tanks, this tang was in a 29ga display tank it it was allmost to it's full size!

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that sucks, are petco tries to do that too. They have a yellow and a kole tank full sized crammed into a 20L. That is why I always use my LFS or online stores, it is definetly worth the extra you spend.


On a side note, Petco refuses to hold fish, i wonder why ;)

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lol, they don't live to be held...Call it deathco not petco.


Deathco- were fish go to die


They got 3 yellow tangs in a small, 5 gallon tank on the wall everytime I go there!!! THAT IS JUST CRUEL!


Petsmart is smarter than that, why do you think its Pet-SMART. lol, still, they pack their FW fish just like Deathco.

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