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Top Shelf Aquatics

fish is grey, definitely sick, Help!


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I have a yellow finned dwarf angel. I have had him for about 4 months. He has been great. Happy, healthy. He has turned a very pale grey, and is hiding out almost constantly in the rocks. His gills are very red and inflamed. The cleaner shrimp is trying to help him.............but I am thinking at this point he is almost more irritating than helpful, as it looks very painful to the fish, when he tries to clean the gills. He came out for something to eat, I just put in a little, and that seemed to perk him up for a few minutes. I am worried for him. He does not look very happy. I did a 25% water change today. Everything else in the tank seems to be fine............shrimp, snails, a few corals. No other fish in the tank. Water params seem to be pretty good with my limited tester kit. amonia 0 nitrates might be a smidge above 0, pH about 8 salinity 1.021. I have added nothing new in about a month, and then it was a frogspawn, and some rock rubble in the back chamber. Not sure how to help him all advice welcome. Thanks.

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sorry dude, I have no idea....poor fish, wish I could help.


Put him in a QT incase it's contagous so other fish dont get it.

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can you post a pick? I'm gonna research it.


I e-mailed Dr. Foster & Smith. They should reply tomarrow, if not today.

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Thank you for your e-mail. Looking at the water parameters you have provided, we

would first suggest raising the pH level. For a saltwater aquarium, the pH

should be at 8.1-8.4. Additionally, the redness may be a sign of a bacterial

infection. To help treat this, we suggest quarantining the fish and dosing with

a bacterial medication such as Melafix, which can be found here:



Heres some Info that DR. Foster & Smith gave me. Hope this helps.

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sadly my fish died last night. I realized after posting that I had the tests mixed up and it was my ammonia not nitrates that were up. Started a new thread ( ammonia spike) in begginers forum. as I was not getting much reply here. I thank you for trying to help.

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