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Which corals can live under 7 bow AGA stock lighting


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Yes, me again, the guy who dared to ask a few questions about putting plastic corals in my tank. I was happy to hear from Crackeur that there are at least some shrooms and soft corals that can live under the stock lighting of my 7 gal bowfront. So what are the exact names of these and can someone throw in some pictures please? Do they have any color to them at all? Be sure of what you're telling me, no use in accidentally putting something under stick lighting that may die.


Thanks a lot!!

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swordfish, why not buy a 32W retrofit kit? I did it to my 7 gallon fixture and was able to grow whatever I wanted with it, including some sps corals.


As for what can be grown under the stock lighting, there are many low light corals, however some might need to be direct fed.




this gives a description of the types of tanks and some of the inhabitants. Some leathers, some mushrooms and some hard corals and gorgonians are low light critters.

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I was able to keep quite a bit under my 7 bow stock lights. I had a ton of zooanthids, mushrooms, and asst leather corals with no problems. The zoos and the shrooms were by far the most colorful I had.



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