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quieting CPR Bakpak2?


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I have a CPR Bakpak2 skimmer currently on my 29 gallon that's powered by a Rio 600. Is there a way to quiet it down a little because it's really loud. I heard I can switch to MaxiJets because they are quieter, but how would I put one on? If anyone knows how to or has any other suggestions I would really appreciate it, thanks.

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Mine is loud too. I discovered that if I put my hand over the top of the side that's open it's quieter, I think I will make a cover for it.


I'm running mine in a sump so the tubes have extensions on them and it shoots bubbles like crazy. I'd like to figure a way to stop that also.

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Christopher Marks

It's really simple! Just unplug the pump and discard the skimmer. :D


What part of it is actually making noise? Is it the pump running, or is it the water moving inside of it?

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If it's the venturi line, there's an easy fix that works really well and doesn't hinder the skimmer's production.


Go to a Petco or a LFS and buy a wooden airstone. Go home. Take the adjustment cap off of the venturi line and replace it with said airstone.


Drink a beer. Listen for a lack of noise.


I've done this with all 3 of my CPR BakPaks, and it's quiet enough that my wife can easily sleep through the night without it waking her. The only noise we hear are the bubbles rising through the air column.

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Originally posted by FlyGTI

If it's the venturi line, there's an easy fix that works really well and doesn't hinder the skimmer's production.


Go to a Petco or a LFS and buy a wooden airstone.  Go home.  Take the adjustment cap off of the venturi line and replace it with said airstone.  


Drink a beer.  Listen for a lack of noise.


I've done this with all 3 of my CPR BakPaks, and it's quiet enough that my wife can easily sleep through the night without it waking her.  The only noise we hear are the bubbles rising through the air column.


this works very well.

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Might be a good idea to stick with a wooden airstone. I'd imagine that the blue ones that Tetra sells would make more of a hissing sound. Something about bigger pores.


Enjoy the brew. Make mine a Tetley's.



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Just putting a longer air line on it helps quite a bit.... I would think the airstone would restrict the air feed too much.


I put about 5ft of ail line on mine and now it's silent. Also this allowed the end to be placed in an area that even further reduces the sound.

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