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Bubble coral diseased?


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My Bubble coral has been Contracted alot lately. I'm worried about it being able to preform photosyntesis. It doesn't really...well...have a mouth. I've never seen a mouth on this thing, Its bubbles are super small (smaller than normal bubbles), and I never see sweepers on it. Even when it was healthy, it was like this, and is still like this now that its not healthy.






Nitrate:usually 10-40

Calcium:usually 400-440

Ph: ?



?= dont have a test kit yet.



Two T5 8W Illuminator plus

One T5 8W Illuminator blue



Flow rate: Low

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hmmm well there are two differnt bubble coral i think ??? one where there really small bubles and the normal one , thats the one i have, it has a mouth in the middle .. how long have you had it is it in alot of flow

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I've had it for about 2 or 3 months now. Flow is very low. Heres a pic I took a couple hours ago.


Note: Coral looked much worse before, Started inflating more when I added calcium and move it.



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you should of seen it before I was monitoring calcium! lol...poor bubble coral....


It's inflated alot more now. It used to be the skeleton with a purple stripe (tissue) in the ridge of the skele. I keep seeing websites say "low to moderate lighting". Thats what it has now. I think it will be fine in a couple weeks.


I think the temperature is too high, DR F & S sais 77-79F. Its ususally at 80F. I'll go reset the timer for the light so it will cool down. (light is my heat source sine its a small tank)

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you should of seen it before I was monitoring calcium! lol...poor bubble coral....


It's inflated alot more now. It used to be the skeleton with a purple stripe (tissue) in the ridge of the skele. I keep seeing websites say "low to moderate lighting". Thats what it has now. I think it will be fine in a couple weeks.


I think the temperature is too high, DR F & S sais 77-79F. Its ususally at 80F. I'll go reset the timer for the light so it will cool down. (light is my heat source sine its a small tank)



wow thats weird , i thought they need alot of lighting because i have mine up pritty high

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The lights make it hot enough. I get a heater and the temp will sky rocket.


I've been doing like, 35% water changes for the past month, it aint going down. I'm getting a new tank anyway, so it should be fine by then.


I think I saw its mouth today. Too small to put food in though.

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Wouldn't the lights make it have more heat? or will the heater cool a little to get it down to the right temp?


I dont really get this cause my 12ga lights heat it up to 80F.

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but when the lights are not on the temp will drop, heaters are not constantly on they have sensors and will go on when the temp drops

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figured that, hopefully it will be fine untill I get my big tank...that way I dont waste money...I'm going to the Fish store this weekend, I might pick up a small one.

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Im not so sure if it is the temp swings. How high is it in the tank? Ive had many bubble corals and they have all been fine and I have never used a heater in any of my tanks. I have an 8G BC and I keep mine at about the middle of tank. I would try moving it closer to the top of the tank.


yeah it is probably the temp swings from day to night, get a heater


Ok not to be rude or anything, but please dont make comments unless you really know what you are talking about, and plus, you just repeated what the people ahead of you said! I have seen you post alot of noob things lately and its not going to help anyone by doing so. Just my .02




ps-Sorry not meant to hijack!!!

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well to be honest, you only have 16 watts of t5 on a 12 gallon tank. from what i understand low to moderate lighting means around 3-4 watts per gallon. i would say its a combination of temp swings, low light, and high nitrates that are causing your troubles.

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irishtexan, if you disagree with anything i said please post and i will do my best to either come up with an article etc. or will edit my post



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probebly, These are the highest lights for it, so I wont get better lights till I get the bigger tank. I'll go to the store this weekend and but a heater, can it be less than 144watts? cause thats 5watts/gallon, and I'm sure I could use less for this tank.


Nitrates, well, not EXACTLY sure what those are. See, when I got the kits, I threw out the boxes, BIG mistake. I accidentaly threw out the saltwater Nitrate card, and I'm using the freshwater one. I when to the store to see the difference, and it's not too different.


tank is a 12ga Biocube, length 14in

width 15.50in

height 13in

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you dont need a 144 watt heater, just get a 50w since the actual water volume of your cube is like 9 gallons. what type of test are you using? im sure theres an online color sheet you can look at to match it up since you threw out your chart. I could have sworn biocubes came with coralife power compacts... how did you end up with t5's?

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The T5's came with the cube. It was a sale on this cube, came with LED moonlights.


I think it was cheaper cause the lights were lower.


Theres two extra lights, both of them are:

TL'5' HE 8w/865


are these better than the T5 8w's?

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