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Getting rid of mantis Shrimp


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Well, I walked downstairs after the lights had been off for 45 mins. and noticed 2 or 3 mantis shrimp running around.....


How do I get these things out?!?!?!?!


Thanks a lot!

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How much LR and aquascaping have you done in your tank? (IE: can you dismantle it easily?) Given the size of your tank, you should be able to isolate the rock rather easily. Once you do, carefully remove it, and hold it over a bucket, and pour either fresh RO water or seltzer into the hole it's hiding in. Mine popped right out into the bucket.


These things are a nightmare in much larger tanks, since they will move to a different rock just to tick you off. Not nearly as bad in a smaller volume tank.

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Kennerd's on target with his method. Another way is a hypersalinity dip but generally that's done before the tank is setup. Just to make sure though are you seeing actual mantis shrimp or various pods that are out at night? Do an image search on google for mantis shrimp. I highly doubt you have 2 or 3 mantis shrimp as they would have beat the &@ out of each other however I have seen stranger things.

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