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For all you guys comming over on saturday


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hi i just wanted to post a thread for those of you comming over on saturday. i will have frags of the wicked candy for most of you. was also thinking of everyoen bringing 1 cup of sand and then we can all mix it up and everyoen can take a cup home with them. post what you guys have and what your looking for. so we can all get what we are looking for. ^^

i will have the candy

some yumas

hairy shrooms


and various other things

i am looking for




clams ^^



dunno how long you guys wanna stay but im free from 1-3. not much to do around here. i can get a bunch of chairs and we can sit and talk =p.

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I have live sand. I'm bringing Xenia, and I could frag a tree leather.


Guess I should add I'm looking for;




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Hey guys,


I would like to go, but don't have any frags to offer. I would be willing to pay for the frags to be fair.


I am looking for:



zoos (all sorts of colors)

tow's candy frag

and anything else thats good and safe for a newbie.

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if you want to but i gotta go purchase me an overflow. im thinking of getting all the sand and cycling it before i connect it all up just to be safe.

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i can't make it this saturday but i have can drum up some stuff for you guys (if you need it) and send it with kain (if he decides to go)


10000k 13w PC bulbs -$8

6500k 13w PC bulbs - $1 (lol)

Fulham Workhorse 5 ballast - $20

(almost new... did some bulb experiments with it)

55mm (2") 12vdc fans - $4

300w visitherm deluxe heater (brand new) - $25


wish list:

solid green gsp

tow's green candies

tow's psycho green yumas

.. and things that are not green like red containing zoos :)


a car would help too. :(

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oh btw if anyone has black perc/an overflow box/bags of southdown/protein skimmer let me know as im looking for these items. adin what will the workhorse ballast run?

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I have a small frag of neon green GSP adin...


I'm going to hit Jeff's Saturday morning for some snails and stuff.. I've got a grocery list from tow and Goliath... anyone else looking for anything?

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liz: new bulbs. the 10kKs are jbjs; the 6.5kKs are baycos ... but if you want old bulbs, i have those too. i had planned on using the 10kKs myself, but my ballast doesn't spit out enough current so i downgraded to 9w bulbs. the baycos are from a dual worklight that i hacked up beyond recognition (learning process i guess;)) and dropped the project. same thing with the WH5. i had planned on gutting 'n upgrading the lights on my dad's tank, but decided it was unnecessary.


X: solid green?


oh yah... any of you locals making a hellolights purchase in the near future? i want a 9w actinic :)

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Thanks adin. I'll take two of the 10,000k bulbs and two of the 6500k if you have them. Come on cut me a deal! :) And dang it I just ordered from HL yesterday morning!


Xav...I went to Jeff's yesterday. He had some really nice coral stock in, but it goes out of there so quickly it will probably all be gone by sat. I bought some rock (you know how I love rock). Are you going to be bringing me my tribal headdress. :D

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I'm not going for the coral really... I need some snails (they said they have nass in even though their site says otherwise)...


Currently my grocery list is:

25 Marg snails (me)

20 Nass snails (me & Goliath)

2 Black Percs (1 sm, 1lg - Tow) - if available

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we're just meeting up at Tow's place... it's like a mini-swap.. heh heh.. he's got some stuff we all want.. so we're raiding his house ;)

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=p lakerfan your welcome to come. but i dunno how much room i got. if i could get a complete list of whose comming it would be better =/. oh well heres an idea everyone who can make it say I ^^. but feel free to drop in pm me for directions.



btw im cutting your frags of candy today as my clowns keep tryign to bury the bottom pieces.

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Anyone interested in a snack sized bag of my Magic Frozen food mix? :x I need to make a new batch and I might do it tomorrow if anyone wants some.

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ok adin, I'll send you a spoon too, or do you want crackers?


I guess it's fit for human consumption. It's made from human grade ingredients. :x

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