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Centerpiece Fish for 55?


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Hi Everyone,

I just upgraded from a 15&10 to a 55 reef w/20 & 15 'fuges and Tek T5s... full details to come later. Anyway, it has been running for a couple weeks now and everything is doing great so I've turned my thoughts to adding livestock. Currently it has 4x false percs, as well as 3x green chromis, a lawnmower blenny and a horned blenny. Most of these fish are less than 1.5", with two a whopping 2" size. I want to get one or two "centerpiece" fish that take advantage of the increased space, as everything I have now I easily kept in nanos. About 1/3 of the tank is open swimming area and 2/3 is relatively open rock structure with lots of caves and such. Any recommendations? I really want a yellow tang but don't think it would be too happy in my tank...

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no tang will be happy in that tank a much better group of fish to look at are the flasher and fairy wrasses, a pair or two would be perfect in your tank, also look at any dwarf or pygmy angel, also very good candidates for your tank

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get rid of 2 clowns before they kill each other then buy a mystery wrasse



Clowns have all been hanging out for a month now. Spend most of their time within inches of each other. Absolutely no aggression whatsoever.

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Pair of engineer gobies :)


And do get the clowns out...two will pair and pick on the other two...then kill one....then the other

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I second matty's advice. Either a some type of wrasse pair, or a dwarf/pygmy angel. Not quite big enough for a group of anthias, could maybe pull it off if they were the only fish, and definetly not big enough for a tang. If you like yellow tangs look at Heraldi (aka false lemonpeel) angels, they are a solid yellow, equally striking to a yellow tang. Lemonpeel angels are bright yellow as well, they just have some blue around the eyes.

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really the benefit of the wrasse pairs and dwarf/pygmy angels are that they are just as striking as larger fish just not as much of a bio load which is better, not to mention the rarity of some of the wrasses makes them a good choice such as a rhomboid pair, your looking at about 500 for those two fish but those are fish that most people dont have and are a very interesting color due to their blue head with light yellow bodies, plus you could easily turn around and sell those two fish for the same amount if not more then what you bought them for down the road (a young male once it changes into a supermale is easily worth $300++ alone)

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  • 2 weeks later...

that can be a good candidate for a reef but they doint survive very long because they are a cooler water species

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  • 3 weeks later...
ornate wrasse!!

aka christmas wrasse

I would say fairy wrasses would be nice show fish. A lineautus, a flame , a rosy and on and on. There are so many wonderful ones. You need to get a pair of what you love. I believe Matty was telling you that you could have a pygmy angel also. I think you might be able to put Flasher wrasses with your fairy wrasses and have a very nice tank. The choices are up to you but no anthias and no tangs in that size tank. Wrasses tend to be hardy and those two types are reef safe. The pygmy Angelfish are more chancy as far as corals and clams but there are also many wonderful types. I love the African Flameback and the Potters but that is just me. I mean either of those could be your show fish in my mind. You want Tangs go buy a bigger much bigger tank!

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helfrichi firefish would be kool but for their price i believe that a pair of rare fairy wrasses would go a much further way for a showpiece

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Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I went with a Lemonpeel angel about a week ago and am very pleased with the fish. The splash of yellow is a great contrast to the rest of the tank and it is nicely eating flake and nori. Occasional nips to some softies/lps but nothing that seems to be bothering the corals. If I find a nice wrasse I may add one at some point but that would be the last fish so I'm going to wait...




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