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brooklynellosis? Or...


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Hello everyone, this is my first post and i am so sad to say is because my clown is sick.


He's a baby atm and is living in my 5 gallon bow. (I have a 20 gallon tall on hand for when he gets bigger-ish)


I have been reading about brooklynellosis but i am not sure if that is what i am dealing with. It looks like it to me, but i needed a better ID from you guys.


And if it is.. Could i have some specific information on how to treat? I have read a formaline dip.. where would you get this stuff? Also does it have a bran name?


What else would you treat with? I really dont want to loose this lil guy. I do adore him extreamly we have had him for a few months now.


(If anyone knows a good snail that can eat all that durn green algae you can see in the background lemmie know. LOL the turbos around here are way too big for my small tank.)


Ty so much for your time and your help, its extreamly apprieciated. :happy:




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kent rxp


Kent RX-P is what I use most often or I use formaline. Since you kinda need it asap goto your local fish store and find just about any disease treatment they have. Its probably likely they have one of the two I have mentioned.

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this maybe because of hosting a frogspawn? there was a recent post that had the similar outcome.. had some missing white on the stripes and the next day they were fine.

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  • 3 weeks later...

not to be a knowit all or anything but...The clown isn't a he, they can change sex, and the female is allways the biggest, or only clown in the area/tank. Since yours is the only one, its a she.


Back on topic though, I aggree with darklyte...if you have FS.

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its mostlikely from hosting something in the tank, and your clown would actually is a he since babys are all imature males...not to be a knowitall

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lol Sorry.. perhaps its a because i rather adore the fish.. more like a dog then an actual fish.. lol


You guys are excellent! He is hosting a torch coral atm.. :3


I hope to get a few more choices in there for hosts once i get my 20 gallon running for him/her...it... ^_^

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lol Sorry.. perhaps its a because i rather adore the fish.. more like a dog then an actual fish.. lol


You guys are excellent! He is hosting a torch coral atm.. :3


I hope to get a few more choices in there for hosts once i get my 20 gallon running for him/her...it... ^_^

If he is hosting any kind of coral with a strong sting, these spots will develop and dissapear. Dont worry about it.

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