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Emerald Crabs adn Brittle Stars


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I have a serious case of bubble algae going on in my 12g nano cube and have read on here that emerald crabs may help get rid of it. I have at least 2 small brittle stars that I have recently discovered and would like to keep them, but would they be safe with emerald crabs?


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Three cheers for the Mithrax (Emerald) crabs.

I just put one in my tank Friday and it's really going to town on the algae.

Only problem is it's the algae on the bottom of the live rock. :happy:

I'm hoping that once that supply runs out it will move on to greener pasture. :lol:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Is there anything else that will get rid of the bubble algae? The local store said that emeralds will do the job, but I wasn't too pleased with their selection.

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dont think so... just get one, slowly but surely he'll eat the bubble algae. mine took like 3 months to eat all of mine, now he's moved onto my nuisance red macro algae (i call it christmas tree algae but i dont know what it is).

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