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lack of clown activity


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tired of searching so here we go...


ok, so I picked up 2 false perc clowns on saturday, they were not a pair, but they have definately seem to become such as they are always together.


one is very active and bright orange in color.


the one in question is slightly darker orange in color (espeicially along the topside) and seems to have his mouth open much more that the lighter colored one, and is staying in a low flow corner of the tank. its just hovering/swimming about 1/2" off the sand, and only moves from this spot when I put the mag float in its way.


the more active(lighter) one always returns to this corner to 'check' on the darker one.


there is no visible signs of things like ich or other external signs of a problem, other than the 'mouth open' and not moving from the corner.


acclimated for slightly over a hour b4 they were put in tank.


water perams are all good (had LFS, verify). both seem 'interested' in food, but they both spit it back out (krill). gonna try a different type.


should I just wait and see? or this ringing a warning bell to anyone.

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I'd say wait and see... But I'm no expert there. Change up the food to maybe pellets (New Life Spectrum are good) or try frozen mysis/brine. They could still just be getting used to the tank though. If the darker one is infact healthy and ok, it could just be "hosting" that spot... Good luck!

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ok, so tried a little experiment....


just moved the mag float in the corner clown had been hanging. he is still in the same corner, just 4" above the float, but its swimming/hovering at a 45 degree angle, head down. other clown in the same spot doesn't swim like that. wierd. will post a pic shortly to show swiming/hovering.


moving the magfloat too.


sorry for the pic quality, was trying to rush the pic. (and yes, that is a dori toy beside the tank)



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1/2" away is a neon green candy cane, directly below where it hovers is an empty hermit shell. posting a short vid in a few mins of what it does in the corner.


I now see a small 'white' spot [can be seen in the video], but its not external (like a fungus or ick] between the 2 white bands.


let me get the video up.....


temp probe and PH are 4+ inches diagonally away


Is it close to either the powerhead or your temp probe? it could be hosting one or the other... =/
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i had a clown fish that just recently died. he did kind of the same thing. it was mostly in the morning though and he would seem better by the end of the day. i had him for about 2 or 3 weeks and this only happend the last couple of days. one day i came home and he was dead. then a couple hours later my cleaner shrimp died. both of their tails were curled up and now it seems like my goby's tail is curled and he is acting a little wierd. i dunno what it is or if yours is doing the same thing for sure or not but i would keep a close eye on it. all my water parameters were fine and they didnt show any signs until then. good luck.

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no visible change in fishes behavior. there is now however white stringy poo present. I'll pick up some other food tomorrow and see if he'll eat that, and see if the 'stringy poo' goes away.


don't think its brooklynella, but am keeping an eye out. will update tomorrow... its fishy bedtime.

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tank is 1.5 months running. stringy poo still there. seems to be acting/swinning 'drunk'. fins are not as 'perky' as the other ones, put they are not fully retracted. going for food and to ask LFS right now.


be back



check out the fins!! are they retracted?!! how old is your tank?

look for garlic food enhancement, it gets the fish to eat and boosts imune system


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fish not eating new food (ocean neutrition, formula 1). white spot that can be seen on video has grown slightly, and now looks like it is becoming some sort of fungus. mouth is still open when breathing. when I turn off the MJ and only have the HOB running, he does explore slightly for about 5 mins, then returns to the corner. poo string is about twice the size of the of fishes' length.


have no idea what to do. to top it all off, my car is in pieces in the driveway from an unfinished repair.....


man when life strikes......... :huh::huh:

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nass snail knocked over the candy cane in the corner where the clown stays all the time. now trying to host it, spot getting bigger. gonna see what I can do tomorrow. I now also have this red/green (I'm color blind so its brown to me) slime on 2 rocks, which I'm assuming is due to the food that they are not eating much of giving excess nutrients to the tank.

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nass snail knocked over the candy cane in the corner where the clown stays all the time. now trying to host it, spot getting bigger. gonna see what I can do tomorrow. I now also have this red/green (I'm color blind so its brown to me) slime on 2 rocks, which I'm assuming is due to the food that they are not eating much of giving excess nutrients to the tank.

can often be dealt with by adding flow for a quick dirty fix.

Check your phos levels that what was causing my cyno outbreak.

as to the clown mine used to do that as well.

Silly bugger even hosted my overflow until i purchased some Duncan's now that is the new hosting place.

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'slime' on rock is in the highest flow area of the tank. it is a 10g wiht a mj 900 and a hob whisper 10, so I doubt its a flow issue casueing the slime. also got some growing on the outlet of the MJ 900.


clown still alive. getting some sort of hospital tank 2day. should I put both of them in there, or just the sick one? (keep in mind the gt tank will be no more that 5 gal unless it ends up cheaper to just get a all in one setup.


will keep posed.



can often be dealt with by adding flow for a quick dirty fix.

Check your phos levels that what was causing my cyno outbreak.

as to the clown mine used to do that as well.

Silly bugger even hosted my overflow until i purchased some Duncan's now that is the new hosting place.

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ok, so after telling the lfs what was going on their rcmdation was to


1) do a FW dip for about 5 mins


2) right after that do a sw dip with rid-ich (which contains malachite green and formalin) for 30 mins then return fist to tank.


sound reasonable, or is this a bit agressive (aka do one or the other)


thanks for a quick reply, as I'm getting things ready....

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keep watch on the fish, i heard that its uncomfortable to them if they start breathing hard return them to the tank or something... something along the lines of that, hope that helps

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ok, finally caught the bastard. decided to skip the FW dip. hes currently in a bucket with the rid-ich and an air stone.


given how hard it was to catch this guy and I really don't feel compelled to do it again anytime soon, should I leave him in there for longer than the 30mins suggested? the dip is at the rcmded concentration on the bottle, but it rcmds 3 days treatment minimum or until signs disappear.




well fish was in the bucket/dip for about 1.5 hours b4 I returned him to the tank. we will see how it goes. since returning to the tank the clowns are no longer hanging out together. took a tooth brush to the red/green slime, we'll see if it returns.

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well now I got problems.....


previously healthy/eating clown can no longer swim and is being thrown around the tank in the current. gonna try to net him and wish him a good bye. damnit


sick clown isn't looking any better, but not looking any worse. something tells me I'll be 0-2 by monday.


will let those following know what happens.


thanks for the help up tp this point guys/girls.

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one clown left (the sick one).


'healthy' clown was dead b4 I finally got him out of the rockwork.


and yes it was, 1.5 months, actually will be 2 months next weekend.


clown(s) will have been in tank one week on saturday, if the sick one makes it until then

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