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Coral Vue Hydros

Fish/Inverts for 29G


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While I've planned my tank pretty well, it never hurts to double check!


pardon the light fixture on top, my 2x65PC retro kit for my canopy is coming tomorrow , so this is just to set the mood :)





Currently I have 10LBS of Fiji, and 30lbs of Arag-Alive LS. There is also 3 blue leg hermits currently inside enjoying the tank. My nitrates are between 2-5 and the tank seems to be near its cycle stage.


My goal is to have 30-40lbs of rock, hopefully that will happen next week. My main questions is about the stocking of the tank. Here's what I plan to add, let me know if you see any problems or in which order I should add these items. I certainly won't be adding them all the same, it will be spaced out atleast 1-2 weeks apart.



(2) FALSE or true Percula clowns

(1) Bicolor dottyback

(1) Common Clown Goby



(1) Shrimp of some sort, either cleaner or banded

(1) Feather duster of some sort

(1) Porcelain Anemone Crab (MAYBE, not sure.. I'd need 2 anomies then so this young guy could have one)



I plan to add some zoos and shrooms, and I plan to add 1 anomie for my clowns.



Any suggestions, I don't think with this setup I'd have overstocking. Also I was wondering which order everything should go in, I've been told with a bicolor dottyback to add that last because it will be a bit more aggressive.




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I would go with a royal gramma over the dottyback. Reason being that the dottyback likes to snack on ornamental shrimp. Those are expensive meals man. And, if you must have anemone's, just stick with clowns and damsels. I, personally, would stay away from anemonies all together because they are tough to take care of. Get a frogspawn or a bubble coral. The fish might host with it and nothing will get eaten that you don't want to get eaten. Good luck with your new tank :).



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i personally have never had a problem with dottybacks...they are agressive so adding them last is a good idea, but i had one with a peppermint shrimp and they never quarreled. Anemonies are a hard subject to tackle. its reccommended that they are added first in that they will move and possibly hurt other corals, but at the same time they need the best water quality so the tank needs a lot of tiem to establish itself before one could be added. the only kinds of anemonies that i would reccomend for clowns are saddle/carpet, bubble, or sebae. all are pretty hardy, but only with the right water perameters. I definately dont want to say to avoid them completely, but be prepared to watch it very closely, and if you arent prepared to take the time to maintain very clean water stay from the anemone all together. you dont NEED two for the clowns adn the porcelin crab, they can all live together, but you need a good sized anemone. If you are interested in the simbiotic relationships, there are other interesting teams that you could do. for example you could trade the dotyback for a watchman goby and get a pistol shrimp instead of the CB or the porcelin. the pistol shrimp will dig a hole under a rock and will live in it very happilly with a watchman goby. this takes out the middleman anemonie but still maintains the simbiosis. i hope soe of this is food for thought. Get the liverock as fast as you can...you should have all of it before the tank is considered cycled, because each tiem you put a good amount in it you will get a spike in ammonia and possibly other nasties. aquascape first with all the rock then add others...its the best way to go. you dont need your lights for the rock. just corals and anemonies. good luck..i hope everythign goeas great.

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