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Coral Vue Hydros

Naked Clown has black spots


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My naked clown has been in my tank for 3 months now and has just recently developed black spots on his body. A total of 6 small spots. Has anyone had this problem before? I can try to get pictures up tomorrow. Any ideas what this fish is going through?

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my false clown has got some now to. at 1st i thought it was black ick but it has been two weeks now and there still there. so i dont know now.

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LOL, dont worry about it, same thing happened to mine, check out my thread that i made, its just stings from corals, mine has had it for 3 months now, as long as your clown is still eating then its still healthy. i put my clown through hell, qurantining it, treating with copper + hypo, trust me its nothing, its just stings from the coral.

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My clown has just started hosting my hammer, (he even tries to feed it), and has started to show small black dots on his tail. Clown seems perfectly happy and is still sleeping in the hammer so I wouldn't worry. :huh:

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