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:*( I walked into my office this morning looking at my NEW minibow (4/29/03) and what do I see? Tank is starting to cook!!! Temp was 84.6 !!! WTF! Can't they make reliable heaters these days!!! This is a brand new system.. I have the hood off trying to slowly cool off the tank, things seem ok with the exception of the crabs running around like there heads cut off! I am soooo PO..... arrrhaaaa!!!! I think these heater manufacutures need a good kick in the @ss !!

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I have found that my heater is not synched with my temp gauge, so in order to get my tank to 80 I set my heater to 77....try turning your heater to a lower temp and you will see ....

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Maybe you didn't adjust the heater right. How long ago did you set up the tank? Recently?


With the heater unplugged, put it in the water for 1/2 to 1 hour so the thermostat adjusts. Plug it in. If it doesn't turn on soon, turn the temp up slowly until it clicks on. Let it run for 1/2 hour to 1 hour and see where the temp is. Keep adjusting little by little (and make sure you wait for it to click off and stay off for awhile before adjusting it again.) You should even do this with pre-set heaters. Sometimes the numbers printed on the side aren't quite right.

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I run a titanium heater and they are very consistant. but the accuracy needs a little work. In other words they will keep the temp you set them at. But the temp on the dail does not reflect the temp in the water mine is off by about 5 degress. I just adjust it accordingly. Hey Little oceans. You tank should be Okay. I run my tank between 82 at night and 84 during the day. and everything is doing great. I keep the high temp to so i can evaporate enough water to make dosing kalk worth while.

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I run my tank also with a titanium heater..those are great! I got the Won 150W with a digital temperature control..so you will know digitally what your temperature is at all time..and very consistant!

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i dotn see how bad it actually is 84.6 isnt horrible everything should come out ok and alive . worst exp i had with a heater wa sit goin out during a snow storm and nothing was open for 3 days for me to get a new heater the tank went to around the 60's i think,Chris

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Uhmmm...... Is it me or what? I read the replies on this tread.... And I feel a lot of you are missing the point! YES, I did use the heater correctly and YES 80something temp is not that bad... my point is ..... ITS NOT WORKING correctly!! If this had happen on a weekend.... stuff would be dead..... The quailty of equippment these days is very sad..... IMO... my 2 cents....

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If the heater's wattage was exactly matched to the tank conditions then the t-stat on the heater would be correct. Big heater for the tank then you have to set it low. Small heater = set it high. My 2.5g has a 50w heater on it. I set it at 74* to keep it at 81*. I used a 50w heater on my 29g for a short while and I had it set at 84* to keep the water at 80*.

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I believe Littleoceans is trying to say his heater malfunctioned and raised the tank temp up past where it had been for a given time. I had the same thing happen in my discus tank. I run 2 300 watt heaters. I come home from work on night and one of them looks like a toaster set to "burn it", glowing red enough to light up the tank at night. Temp went from 84 to 92 before I could unplug it.

Good thing my discus love hot water.


Discus people swear by using two heaters rated at half the wattage so that when one malfunctions it can't cook the tank. (Didn't quite work for me.)

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you never know someone could have bumped the thing to adjust the temp on it or as heaters get older they kinda need bumped up a few more degrees on the setting to keep the temp at the prior one,Chris

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Cami, Your right! I ran the thing for 2 weeks at 78.6 with a 1degree swing (lights) which is what is normal.... then it went to 84.6 when I walk into the room yesterday. It is only 3 weeks old.....

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Its a visi-therm 50watt.... I wanted the smallest one they carry for 2 reasons... one ...I can only fit a 6" heater in my hob aquaclear 300 and I wanted a low watt heater just in case it did what it did... I have replaced it with a tronic 50 watt..... temp holding at 78.6...

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