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Shroom Eating Crab


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Yesterday, I noticed I had a Hitchhiker crab, Not meaning to repeat threads, BUT......


I was surprised, THEN the little bastyrd started pulling my Green Stripe shroom into his hole.....


I got him out, and here he is...


I thought he might be a box, but after this, I have no freaking clue...



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I had one in my tank for over a year. Watched him grow from the size of a dime to what you see in the pics. As for as I know, he never hurt anything in my tank. He did, however, barricade himself inside his den using empty shells and small rocks and such. But only when he was molting. So he did move things around but never hurt any of my numerous mushrooms. Anyway, if you must remove him, dont kill him just find him a good home like I did for mine. He now live in a 100g prop. tank at my lfs.





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  • 3 weeks later...

Looks like a red eyed reef crab (Eriphia smithi). I've already pulled two out and just found another. They are obviously bad, but the one I just saw is smaller than a peanut so I'm leaving him alone.

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formerly icyuodd/icyoud2

check out the box crab family. most are armoured like a tank. there claws and legs fight tight to there shell. if threatened they'll close up tight and look like a rock. (same as the crabs pictured above-both)

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