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Clearer water products?


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What is it aragamax aragonite sugar grain, i think. I really dont think its sand, the water has turned a tint of green. Where should I order Algone from?



Have you tried carbon or purigen yet? I'd do that before dumping chemicals into the tank. Purigen worked great on my tank.



edit: just saw that you did try carbon, but I'd still try purigen. I've also read that those poly filter pads also take longer than a day or so.

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Yea I used Kent Reef Carbon. I almost broke down and wanted to restart it earlier today. Like totally start again from the ground up. I held off the urge. Im gonna wait it out for a few more days. Im gonna put a fresh batch of phos-ban in today (fingers crossed), and then try the carbon again after a few more days. I'll post pics up as soon as I charge my batteries.


Thanks for all the input guys.

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Here you go guys, I posted a couple of pics on the first page, and im posting the rest here. I circled some of the things that i am concerned about and was wondering what they were. Im going to post a pic of what the tank looked like before and after. This problem is taking away from the sweetness of this hobby, HELP!!!

























:( :( :(

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how are your weirs setup? I pushed down on all of the plates and remove 1 so just the top 2 sections are open. I run that filter floss/pillow stuffing from walmart and my water is nice and clear. just replace it every 2 days.


btw..I removed all the sponges, bioballs and ceramic rings as well. only have a bag of chemi-pure in the back.

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All stock media is removed. I believe only the top three are open on mine, not sure will double check in the morning.

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Well I moved the wiers so that the only the top two are open now.


Not to mention (sigh) i broke down.... and broke the whole thing down, got down and dirty and cleaned everything. u name it, i cleaned it, and it was dirty...really really dirty.


put the rock back in fish and coral. I just used new water, and acclimated the fish and coral again. They all seem to be doing great. The only problem.... the tank is getting cloudy again!!!!!


Its not he greenish cloudy. I havent fed the tank nothing, for christ sake its only been a day!


Its more of a whiteish cloudiness. Im running carbon right now, gonna keep that up for 3 more days.



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ok I'm going with sand...


you broke down the tank, scrubbed rock, put it back in, how much did you ever wash that sand? I used the slightly larger special grade, filled a 5G bucket of sand 1/5 of the way up with sand, and had to fill the bucket and wash the sand four-five times before the water stopped clouding up when I swooshed it around. I imagine that sugar-sized sand -really- needs to be washed well to get the dust particles out.

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I washed the sand out really really good, to the point when in put water back in the bucket, i could see straight down into the bottom. The reason the sand was taken good care of was because of this. There were tons of these worm like creatures sticking their heads out.




Another thing to add, the tank doesnt look nearly as bad when the MH's arent on. When just the white LED's are on it looks crisper than when the MH's are on.

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I wonder if all those little things are squirtin' uh...eggs and spawning stuff into the water... that's a completely random thought though. I got nothing else. haha


Maybe it's just haunted. :X

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Say it aint so, ghosts of the nano game had to choose me. Anyone wanna play role of exorcisit? I can help.

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it really sounds like the tank is just cycling. what are the ammonia levels? What about a possible source of phosphates? Something is either creating an overload of bacteria, or you're going through an algae bloom. either way, breaking down and starting over isn't going to solve the problem unless you indentify what caused it in the first place.

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Seems like a good product. Cept I cant find it anywhere locally.

Says you can order it online from them - free shipping.

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Got ya. This is what it looks like right now. The inside has this white film of nasty i cleaned some off u can see in the pics. I havent cleaned the outside yet, so the cloudiness is a little better after the carbon. I just have this residue.






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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Well you should really mix your own salt water & purchase a RO/DI unit . This will help you in the long run and take alot of the guess work about what is happening in your tank . That being said here is a temp. solution to your problem .


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