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Clearer water products?


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Have you guys heard of those solutions that make your water clearer, by sinking attaching themselves to free particles and then sinking them to the bottom. My tank is still cloudy to the point where when my fish goes towards the middle half to the back of the tank he doesnt look as bright as to when he's right up on the glass near the front. I've tried running carbon, and phos-ban. I use RODI water. The tank water params are perfect everything is alive and healthy. Just the water is a little cloudy. I do water changes of 10% every week.


I'm thinking of adding one of those solutions to see if it will help, any suggestions?







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those products are only a temporary "solution" to your problem. you need to find out what is causing this and then find a way correct it. It's natural to want to find a quick fix, but in the long run it is best to find the cause and address that first.

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those products are only a temporary "solution" to your problem. you need to find out what is causing this and then find a way correct it. It's natural to want to find a quick fix, but in the long run it is best to find the cause and address that first.


i would test the water just in case.

to clear your water, i would do the following:


1. run filter pads such as polyfilter, 100 micron

2. run good quality activated carbon. e.s.v. and black diamond are good brands

3. 20% water change

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Checked the water params i'll look into those pads. I used the Kent Marine Reef Carbon.


I heard Kent also makes that water clear stuff. I wanna get to the bottom of it too, but I really dont know what it could be?!

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Could it be the roti-feast that i'm feeding the corals? Its a mixed bunch of rotifers, and eggs and stuff. Thats the only thing i can think of out of the ordinary. But those are dead, and I only feed that once every two weeks.

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this sounds strange, i dont see why your tank would still be cloudy after over a month setup. i just started using chemi-pure elite, its a carbon with some phosphate remover added into the mix. so far its been good, but i didn't buy it to clear up the water, but to allow me to have lps and soft corals together. "Travis" mentioned a lights out thing to clear up water, its basically just leaving all your lights off for 2 or 3 days. supposably after the water looks much clearer. since in the real ocean sometimes it will be cloudy for days, so the corals are naturally used to it.


Could it be the roti-feast that i'm feeding the corals? Its a mixed bunch of rotifers, and eggs and stuff. Thats the only thing i can think of out of the ordinary. But those are dead, and I only feed that once every two weeks.


i think your corals will be fine with feeding every 2 weeks.

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Whats UV? The thing is that the tank has been up for like more than 2 months. There is a lot of die off from the rock, i dont even know how to go about cleaning it up. Some of it is in really hard to reach places. If I take the turkey baster to the rock its a freakin sand/crap storm.


The carbon and the phos-ban didnt help the water clarity at all. I've done the lights out before, and it did help clear up the tank. But as soon as i did the next water change the water was cloudy again, and remains that way, even after 3 more water changes.


Im really confused guys, need some help here.

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those products are only a temporary "solution" to your problem. you need to find out what is causing this and then find a way correct it. It's natural to want to find a quick fix, but in the long run it is best to find the cause and address that first.


This is so true. There is a reason your water is cloudy, and throwing in carbon and ignoring it will just make it worse.

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Helfrichs Chick

Um hate to ask the ovbious but are you running a filter? Do you hear any snapping noise? I have a pistol hitchiker and notice my water isnt as clear as usual. I personally dont run a filter so when I do a WC or when I stirr the sand a bit... (only the top 1/8 inch) I throw on this GREAT hob filter by Ehiem, Called a liberty. Its working really good and very quiet. I dont use the carthridges that came with it, well sometimes, but I use 100 micron filter floss in the little chamber. Its GREAT, running it now actually lol.

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Oh for sure I understand that, but I have no idea what it can be. I'm doing everything correctly according to everything i've read on here and from other sources. Nothing seems to be working.

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Yea no filter I removed all the media from the back (24g AP w/MH). As far as the snapping there is none. The only noise that comes form the tank is from the sunpod. Gonna pick up a pad of 100 micron poly tonight, i'll take pics as soon as i get home. This way you guys can see what i mean.

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Helfrichs Chick

Well my guess is just the fact that you have sand/detritus, mixed up in the water. Add the micron that will help.

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Added the micron an hour ago, along with a water change and a param check. Everything checked out good.


It has to be the detritus. Time to add more nassarius snails? I have 3. :/

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Added the micron an hour ago, along with a water change and a param check. Everything checked out good.


It has to be the detritus. Time to add more nassarius snails? I have 3. :/


Every time you do water changes, take your turkey baster and blow off all the rocks in your tank, first couple of times it's gonna be pretty messy/cloudy, and then do your water change. Don't forget the rear chambers also.

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Yea I blow stuff around get it kinda messy (doesnt take much). Whats the best way to get the rear chambers clean? Blow around with the baster randomly? And then start a siphon there as well?

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You know, I had the same problem in my tank. I could not get it clean for anything. It had a greenish tint to it. I asked the LFS and they said I probably has alge floating in my water. I picked up some Algone and love the stuff. My tank has never been so clear. It is easy to use and inexpensive. Just remember to change the pad once a week. I would also suggested running the filter 24/7.

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My bad for the double post, but I took the polypad and put it around one of my sponges that had been cut down. Good idea or.... eh? How should I go about placing this in my rear chamber(s)?

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I'll look into algon, anyone else use this stuff?


I don't think you need Algone. Just keep doing what you are doing and using the pad will help too.

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This morning the water was a tad bit clearer, and I have two sheets of poly in there roughly 12 inches x 5 inches.

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This morning the water was a tad bit clearer, and I have two sheets of poly in there roughly 12 inches x 5 inches.



What kind of sand did you use? I set up a tank with sugar grain sand once and it took two months to settle and every time you mess up the sand it clouded the tank. I had to buy a bag of reef grade sand to put over the top of it.

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Ok well I woke up this morning to a yet still cloudier tank, but the water is a tad green. I check params everything is good. I think i'll have to try algon?

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What is it aragamax aragonite sugar grain, i think. I really dont think its sand, the water has turned a tint of green. Where should I order Algone from?

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