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Cultivated Reef

Trade frags for MP3 Music


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I’m in need of MP3 Music. I bought a Zune in December and have only turned it on once. I have plenty of frags for trade. I’ll also ship but you will have to pay for shipping. I’ll ship any method you want. I’m looking for all types of music… but keep in mind this is for a 28 year old :D Anyway, I know there are plenty of you with 20gigs of music on your computer so just burn them on a CD and send them to me. I will pickup within 10 miles only of 92646; I have a full time job and a fish store to run so I don’t have any time to drive any farther. I’ll throw in extra if someone would deliver them to me.

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I’ll listen to everything from Bone Thug to Spice Girls :D Can you burn all of it on DVDs? I’ll send you back blank replacement DVD when I send the corals. What type of corals are you looking for? I own a fish store so I can pretty much send you anything.


If you trust me I’ll send you a generous mix of frags all you have to do is pay for shipping.

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I’ll listen to everything from Bone Thug to Spice Girls :D


omg me and kevin have the same test in music. :mellow:

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omg me and kevin have the same test in music. :mellow:



Does that mean you have some MP3s for me :D I had alot of good cd up until my car got stolen. I've had my turck for 4 months now and I've never even used the CD player.

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I have an external HD with about 26000 songs on it and I live in Westminster. I don't support file sharring - BUT - if you want to come by sometime and plug in or rip some CD's you are more then welcome.

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I have an external HD with about 26000 songs on it and I live in Westminster. I don't support file sharring - BUT - if you want to come by sometime and plug in or rip some CD's you are more then welcome.


Wow, so does that mean you paid for all of those 26K songs? Man, I haven’t even had time to look at all of my 3000 wedding pictures yet I don’t know if I’ll ever find time to browse through that much music.

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I also have a couple of songs ~100gbs worth. Of course, in accordance with the RIAA it is all stuff my band the Ethan's have recorded but we play all types of music and I mean everything :D


let me know. I work in Century City so your not too far from that.


p.s. - I have to say if you're going to get music from multiple locations you might want to look into some good software. I can vouch for Wizetech's Music Express Pro - $35 - and is amazing for organizing music or finding dups.

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PM me if you want to check it out. I don't have anything too recent - but a lot of classics - metal - country - rock - alternative - christian - just about anything you can think of.


I like the random play feature... you NEVER know what you are in store for.


If there are some favorite artists let me know...


It's easy to search it and rip some CD's

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We are the same age. I have over 500 cd's mostly metal, indie, and hardcore. I also have a good amount of hip hop. If you are interested in mailing stuff I will pay shipping both ways. PM me if you are interested.

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Hey Kevin, check out my music store website in my sig. I have a HUGE selection so I'm sure you can find something you like.

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I’ll listen to everything from Bone Thug to Spice Girls :D Can you burn all of it on DVDs? I’ll send you back blank replacement DVD when I send the corals. What type of corals are you looking for? I own a fish store so I can pretty much send you anything.


If you trust me I’ll send you a generous mix of frags all you have to do is pay for shipping.


Your nuts kevin.


Too bad my last purchases from you maxed out my tank.


Anyword on those neat schooling red spot cardinal goby things? I forgot to ask last weekend.

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I feel ya man. I have a great mix of music, anything from miles davis, to jason mraz, to notorious BIG. Gotta have some old school rap. Im in chicago, i can mail out the dvd's and such. Lemme know if interested in shipping to chicago. :)

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I have like 3,500 songs of all sorts anything from Jack Johnson to John Legend to DJ Tiesto and things like Beetles, Marley and Elvis, Let me know if you are still interested in the trade I am in Northern California 95356.

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I'm located in Santa Ana, but I'm around HB, FV area alot. I also have an external harddrive with a lot of music. Let me know what you're looking for.

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Let me know what you have to trade. iIhave tons of mp3s from my cd collectin that i'd be willing to burn for you. I'm located on the east coast, so only shipping things that can survive a few days in the post office would be appropriate. PM me if you're interested.

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