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Help me pick fish/shrimp for my nano!


Fish/shrimp combos for 20L  

39 members have voted

  1. 1. Pick one (or respond with your write-in vote)

    • Red/White Theme
    • Purple into Yellow Fade
    • Breeding Colony of GBGs
    • Horizontal Stripes

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So I've been going back & forth about what motile critters to put in my new tank (see link in sig below for tank thread). It is a 20L (30 inches long) with a 10 gal fuge, so it won't support a ton of fish, and nothing very big, so I have to choose carefully. I've come up with four possibilities - vote for one of them and/or respond with a write-in. Only rule for write-ins is they have to be nano-sized, reef-compatible, non-clownfish.


The four choices:


1. All Red and White - a Yasha Hase goby (even a mated pair if one could be found) with A. randalli (Candy Pistol shrimp) roommate, and a mated pair of Coral Banded Shrimps.





2. Purple into Yellow Fade - one orchid dottyback, one Gramma brasilensis (closely related to Royal Gramma but a smoother purple to yellow fade), one Yellow Assessor. Photo of the three lined up head-to-tail would be priceless. No shrimps with this combo.





3. Breeding Colony of Green Banded Gobies. I've always liked watching groups of conspecifics interact, and these seem ideal for that. At least one nano-reefer has a breeding group going in a 5.5gal, so a 20 could hold a nice number of them. maybe a couple very small, docile cleaner shrimps here.



4. Horizontal Stripes. A Pacific Candy Basslet (Lipoporoma swalesi) and a Striped Dottyback (Pseudochromis sankeyi) - one bright colors, the other stark black & white, both with nose-to-tail stripes. Maybe some Fire shrimps if I could find nice large ones that wouldn't get eaten.



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thats the atlantic candy basslet and you can expect to search for a few years for on and pay a hefty price.


isay go with white and red

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You are hysterical! I have never quite seen this approach b4, but I love it. As a designer at heart, I say the BGBs. That is a great pic you provided and they look really cool. If you want friendly cleaner fish, get a an assortment of red ones to highlight the red around the face of the BGB. I have a scarlet/fire shrimp and he is very docile and fun to watch. They would make a great pairing! :D

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I vote purple into yellow fade. You will love the assessor, I have the blue one, what wonderful peaceful, always swimming fish they are.

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I vote purple into yellow fade. You will love the assessor, I have the blue one, what wonderful peaceful, always swimming fish they are.


Do you think the Assessor will hold its own with gramma and orchid dottyback (reputedly the mildest of dottybacks, but still)? Does yours get along OK with your clowns?

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Mine swims with the clowns. They get along very well. The clowns are young though, the are tank raised true percs that I bought at about 1/2-3/4" each. They are just now starting to show signs of sexing as I can see the larger one )not much larger) starting to pick on the smaller one. But they pay absolutely no attention to the assessor. Now I can't tell you what would happen with the other two that you are thinking of especially the gramma as I hear they can get to be pretty nasty.

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Mine swims with the clowns. They get along very well. The clowns are young though, the are tank raised true percs that I bought at about 1/2-3/4" each. They are just now starting to show signs of sexing as I can see the larger one )not much larger) starting to pick on the smaller one. But they pay absolutely no attention to the assessor. Now I can't tell you what would happen with the other two that you are thinking of especially the gramma as I hear they can get to be pretty nasty.


Cool - thanks for the input.


Any more votes? Currently the two goby-centric scenarios are tied for first place....

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I'll go for the yellow/purple, if only for the assessor - what an awesome fish. My only concern is that the tank would end up with some carnage with the similar body shapes and colors, and possible personality issues.


If I did a write in - black and silver - Bangaii cardinal school. And the added bonus of easy breeding and mouth brooding.

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