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The Midge-1 gallon reef


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Here she is on her first night. Main tank is 5"x5"x7" .72 gallon and the sump is .28 gallon. I'll try to get some better pictures over the weekend.

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I acctually just got that 2g cube tank i was telling you about earlier, in a post on my 5.5. I should get some pics tonight.


I love the midge!

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  • 3 months later...
Originally posted by SLOreefer

any updates?


Not much. Due the high temps we are having this summer the midge hasn't changed. I haven't added any more corals since the original zoos. Though the zoos are survivng the thought of possibly cooking more corals has kept me from adding more.


This little tank is high matainance, it has to be topped off 3-4 times a day due to the fan running about 16 hours a day to try to keep the temp down to 84. I have been very slack about water changes and it seems to be fine with that.


So the lessons learned at this point are; small tanks work best in temp controled rooms (AC), they are not that fussy about water changes, and I would have done a design change to add a heater compartment so the heater would always be in the same level of water.

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I suppose I could try to find a way to fit one in. I'd then have to drill a hole in the back of my desk and find a container that woul fit in side the desk. Might work on it, might just take the tank down.

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Great-lookin' tank there, Lizbeth...


Crap...I'm gonna have to set up a small tank now....I knew I shouldn't have even come here today.


I can see the $$ signs already.

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  • 4 months later...

wow, great DIY!!! I have been lurking for a while thinking about a new tank.... hmmmmm... oh on the heater, another thread mentioned miniature heaters (~6 inches) another had a tiny filter/powerhead/heater package... sorry was too lazy to go look them up, but it might be worth your time... just a thought.

hth :)

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