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WTB: Mini Carpet Anenome


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Here we go again with these. And yes, I'm still looking as well.

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Here we go again with these. And yes, I'm still looking as well.


im looking for some so that i can start propagation of them. i have a 20l dedicated for a mono-culture of them. so that we can up the chain of ownership on these guys. every1 can be made imto 10's 100's whithin ashort time. (which in turn creates less colection on reefs)


if anyone has one+ i can offer any offspring etc.



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Sounds like a cool project.

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i'm looking as well (as always)


so adin how long does it take for the mini anenomes heal up from the cut in half? and how long does it take for them to get back to their original size?



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they heal very quickly. turn around time depends on how well you make your cut. the ideal cut is straight through the mouth AND equally important, straight though the base. the more "foot" the half has, the quicker it will regenerate. after you make the cut, let the anemone attach to something stable and keep it in an area with moderate light and decent circulation. circulation is very important in handling the slime produced as well as keeping the cut edge from becoming infected. once your anemone half reforms its mouth, you're good to start feeding it again. tapetum are photosynthetic and heavy feeders. they also move a LOT. be warned, however, once they find a good spot, they pretty much glue themselves down. it's extremely difficult to remove a settled-in mini or maxi carpet aside from chipping it out of the rock.


even for a monoculture, separate containers will give you the best results (for this species). i'd start collecting plastic bottles... clear 2L soda, water jugs etc. cut the bottle down 3" from the base to create a small container. weigh the container down with 1 piece of rubble, half an inch of sand, or white marble tile (whatever you've got). the cut anemones will attach to the plastic with no problem but still provide a smooth enough surfice for easy removal in the future (peel them off with your thumbnail).

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wow thats like an idea i had. i was thinking emty jello containers :P

dont wana sell me 1 would you?



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wow thats like an idea i had. i was thinking emty jello containers :P

dont wana sell me 1 would you?




jello containers would work great for the minis.. i use the bottom third of 16oz plastic water bottles


i'm not selling any right now...i'll let you know!

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Well, I just did a complete overhaul on my tank and found 3 of them, but have no idea how many I may have killed during the clean. I'm going to give them a little time to settle and if they start splitting and dont wander off too far then I will definateley have some for sale later. I would not charge 20.00

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Yea... I'm looking too... That makes what? At least 5 of us?


gosh i know. i wish someone would sell a bunch so we could do a group buy :)


but i did find some at lfs for 30 buck for a dime or quater sized mini(hes gonna hold me some until he can chizzel em out of the rock)



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You may want to send an e-mail to the folks at fragglereef.com. I know they had them a whille ago. Good Luck! ;)

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You may want to send an e-mail to the folks at fragglereef.com. I know they had them a whille ago. Good Luck! ;)


i alrdy tried hat he said he doesnt have any mabe in a month


also tryed gary at RC but no response back but i think e has a low stock so hes not selling



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I got a response from Gary yesterday. Said he doesn't have time to deal with it right now so none are available.

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I got a response from Gary yesterday. Said he doesn't have time to deal with it right now so none are available.


ya i just got 1 from him and said the same thing



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Fragglereef was selling them for like $60+, weren't they? And some were a couple bills each.

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sorry guys i've already pre-purchased all of miguel's future anemones.





















just kidding!

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Hi all,

I am downsizing my tank from a 75 to a 30 Finnex All-in-one fairly soon. I have tons of mini-carpets (at least 30, maybe closer to 50+) in my rock that I could pry out during the tear down. I'm in MA, but can ship them to one of you if you're interested in doing a group buy. Say around $10 each and you all can split up the shipping costs? I have never shipped corals/anemones before, but I have no doubt that these guys are hardy enough to take the ride. LMK if ¥ou're interested and I'll try and get some pics up in the next few days. Thanks!


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