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Innovative Marine Aquariums

the beginning of trouble all over again..58 gallons of it =)


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I use to visit these forums long time ago, about 4 years ago I think. Anyways now that I graduate college (last week), I'm ready to jump back into SW. Helps now that I make 50K a year as well. Anyways I found a new 37 gallon Oceanic cube (discontinued) priced at 170 but I think I can talk him down a bit because he's had it for a while. Anyways love it and its my first choice if not then its off to the 36 bow. The only problem is that the tank is a "oak" trim, not the light maple but the ugly as sin "oak" color. Not a fan of it one bit and I would like to get it changed to a black color, sound easy right? Didn't know if painting it would be fine or if there were certain things I should stay away from so that it doesn't disolve the silicone. If you guys give me the okay I'll head right down to the store and get it tonight!!






UPDATE: I found my old screen name and I went with the 58 gallon...the start of it is below. Hopefully I get the tank drilled this week and the overflow made and the rest of the tank painted..

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48 minutes till it closes =(



You can paint it. you will have to sand it a bit for the paint to stick but it can be done.

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You can paint it. you will have to sand it a bit for the paint to stick but it can be done.



you my friend are a savior....off to purchase. Suggest that fusion paint people suggest for the background of tanks?



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$170 isnt really discounted



YEah thats the normal price, like I said hopefully I can take him down a bit.....currently haggling as he checks out his "price sheet" i think I got him scared...hehe. Whats a fair price for a new 37 gallon cube from Oceanic you guys think??

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It is way cheaper than in Boston already.

If you like it, just buy it man. All that much trouble only save you like 10bucks?


I have one. I like it. I got the whole set , tank, light, and stand for free ahhaha.. my friend was throwing them out.





YEah thats the normal price, like I said hopefully I can take him down a bit.....currently haggling as he checks out his "price sheet" i think I got him scared...hehe. Whats a fair price for a new 37 gallon cube from Oceanic you guys think??
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Well.....did something super stupid. Petsmart had a special on the 58 gallon Oceanic tank with stand for 350.....yeah its in the back of my car right now..hehe


Pictures will be posted soon

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Here is the image of the white shaker stand modifed a bit....the paint is a bit wet so hence the different look to the drawer....


Pics of the tank will be up soon

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well things have slightly changed. I was going to get the tank drilled when the guy at my LFS told me for a few bucks more he would upgrade me to the reef ready version of hte 58 gallon, so I jumped at it. The extra cost was 90 bucks for the tank in black and with the piping, thought it was a decent deal especially since he was going to charge me 25 bucks a hole for drilling plus the cost of an overflow.


So here is my new idea


This is what I was thinking now that I have the built in overflow. On the return seperate it into 2 additional lines for a total of 3. One going to the original return and then 2 more going up and over. Assuming this is a centered overflow the original return would be aimed to the sides and the two new return lines would be aimed to the front. I think I read the overflow is about 600 GPH. This would eliminate the need to drill the tank for a closed loop system and give me a better spread on the return. Whats everyone's thoughts on this? And what size pump do people suggest? Tank should be here later this week....thanks


P.S. Thinking of a PAN return pump, heard great things about them

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  • 3 weeks later...

well just a little update...just realized im on another SN...oh well


I got an Megaflow Model 3 sump which I modified a bit. I took out the bioballs and added a fuge to it. After 6 visits and about 4 hours of pain staking work the plumbing got done last night. I had the LFS bring some water in their truck so things are filled up. During the initial test run the bulkhead leaked so I drained it and used a disgusting amount of sealant around the edges. I also need to get that quiet-mod working on that Pan World Pump, its pretty loud right now.


Next on the purchase list


Reefkeeper 2

about 50 lbs of LR, I want to go with little rock as possible, I want a less crowded tank.

Tek T5 6 x 39 lighitng system.

Tunze 6025 (or 6045)

Tunze 9010 skimmer


Stocking Plans:

2 Onyx Clowns

Midas Blenny

Firefish (can I have a pair of these, or they territorial?)

Hi Fin Red Banded Goby

Cleaner Shrimp

Pistol Shrimp


I'll post pics as soon as I get the tank running with water, hopefully the sealant worked!



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go wtih 2x6025 or 6045s if your going to have alot of sps. evrything eles sounds good but maby get the rock first

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I have a 55 gal and 50lbs of rock does not cut it. It looked to naked. I understand that you do not want crowed but you my change you mind and want more rock. Just my .02

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Yeah I got impatient and bought 20 lbs of rock and it does look a bit bare, but we'll see how it goes, I think i'll end up close to 55-60 lbs. Right now I got about 12 lbs of rumble in the fuge. I also placed the order for the Tunze nano streams, I ended up with 2 x 6025, i'm not that big into SPS.


On another note, this is the first time I've painted the tank background black and let me tell you that I'm a fan. Except for the minor issue of placing the bulkheads too low and needing to rig up something and using white PVC piping it looks good.


After a bit of tweaking the microbubbles are slowly leaving so when the thing gets so that you can see the back I'll post pics...hopefully soon

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Here are some pics from my blackjack. I need to still get some LR, I just haven't been able to find the exact looking piece or pieces to make my arc so I'm waiting till I can find it. Tek lighting system will be in the following week. I also got a Tunze 6025 for more flow and an additional heater because I thought my pumps would produce more heat so I only got a 150 watt heater, now I know its not big enough. I guess I have something to heat my clean saltwater with.


right now that main tank I'd say has about 25ish lbs of rock and I hopefully will add at least another 15. I have about 15 lbs in the sump now and some chaeto. Got the lamp used at the LFS for a nice 15 bucks, one mans trash is another mains treasure...love it


Still trying to figure out what to do about the skimmer either Tunze 9010 or Deltec MCE300 or a Precision Marine Venturi Skimmer, its short and can be outside my sump





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Lastly, I took out the top drawer and I will make a false drawer using just the front of the old drawer. I will then flush mount hte RK2 on it. Hopefully thats the next purchase after I recover....just 2 months and 11 days till real ppl pay checks...WOOHOO!!

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well i went to the lfs to get my water tested.


Results showed no lvls of ammonia and very low amounts of nitrates

So I went and bought a clean up crew to get a start on the brown algae that had consumed my sand and rock. Wow they went right at it. It'll be a week before I had a firefish and then a week or two before I add something else. Hoping to gradually build up my bioload and hoping that as well that the readings weren't wrong.



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Here is a picture of Optimus and Mega-tron =)


sorry I'm an 80's child


Two firefish by the end of the weekend, after I get a piece of glass cut for it

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well I slowed down the return hoping it would cure my microbubble issue, it didn't exactly but apparently my flow was too quick and not allowing my heater to have enough contact with the water so thats good to know that I can return my heater. I got a few more lbs of rock bringing the total to about 30-35 in the main tank and about 15 in the sump, which I'm really happy with so I think I'm done with the rock. I'll post pics of what it looks like in a second







I might add a bit more I think afterall

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just an update


got two Cinnamon clown fish and today I picked up a Copperband.


The Copperband is by far the more active of the three fish going around the rocks trying to pick things off them.



On another note, do you guys think a Tunze Nano 6025 aiming from one corner to the corner diagonaly might be too much flow for the fish? My dad made the comment how the clown fish seem to be fighting the current


Pics coming up soon

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well the light should be here tomorrow and the RK2 on Friday. I'm super pumped. I was super worried about hte Copperband as it was turning down the mysis shrimp, on a limb I went and got some brine. It seemed to be much happier with the brine attacking it like crazy.


Does anyone know how to feed my clowns one food and feeding the copper another without the clowns going after the other food?



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