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Anemones need mature tanks?


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in a word: YES.


it's just that mature tanks are more stable. if you put one in a newer tank you might need to be more cautious about waste and nutrients.


anemones produce a considerable amount of waste and having a mature tank helps make sure the waste is processed.

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Well I have a Nano-Cube DX. 16lbs of live rock. Fuge filtration. I have about 10 snails. 10lbs of sand. The tank is about 5 weeks old.


Well I have a Nano-Cube DX. 16lbs of live rock. Fuge filtration. I have about 10 snails. 10lbs of rock. The tank is about 5 weeks old.

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A 12 gallon NC?

Sorry, 5 weeks isn't nearly mature. Besides, the stock DX doesn't have enough lighting for a BTA.

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Well others seem to be fine with anemones in their NCDX's. Stock lighting seems to be fine. Their lighting needs is moderate to high. It should be fine.

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Did you ever think they had upgraded lighting???? Did they say how long it's been "fine"???


I have BTA's. I've got one in an NC 12 too. The difference is, I have 96 watts in that canopy. That tank was nearly a year old when I put a BTA in there. Mines been good for nearly 2 years, which still isn't really any success story. When I hit 5 or 10 years, I'll PM you, and tell you I've been successful at keeping a BTA long term in a nano. You asked a question, I gave you an answer. Obviously, it wasn't the answer you wanted to hear. Go ahead, waste your money....

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How'd you put 96 watts in the canopy?


I dont want to take the stock canopy out, and replace it with a coralife or a sunpod or anything.

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thats all this person has done it all of their threads .. either asked for advice and ignored it or done what they want without research and then they wonder why bad things are happening .. most people on here know what they are talking about ... most replies are true and honest answers or opinions from personal experience directed to help you .. no one on is on here to tell you other wise or try to sell you something .. take their advice (in most cases ) because many of the people on here are experienced enough to give it .. now if you have a problem with not listening or are going to ask questions and ignore people stop wasting their time and your own

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You posted this twice. Stop, I get the point your trying to get across, but it still isnt benefiting you.


Did you ever think they had upgraded lighting???? Did they say how long it's been "fine"???


I have BTA's. I've got one in an NC 12 too. The difference is, I have 96 watts in that canopy. That tank was nearly a year old when I put a BTA in there. Mines been good for nearly 2 years, which still isn't really any success story. When I hit 5 or 10 years, I'll PM you, and tell you I've been successful at keeping a BTA long term in a nano. You asked a question, I gave you an answer. Obviously, it wasn't the answer you wanted to hear. Go ahead, waste your money....


I dont want to sound mean or anything. Many people in my area tell me it is fine. Just how did you upgrade the lighting? and was it extremely expensive?

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Ray is right on the money here, people in your area may say it's fine but I would take his advice over theirs. As for lighting upgrades search the diy section or the nano customs/tuners sites.

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anemone's don't really belong in nanos. If they decided to wander about the tank, and they will, they're going to leave a trail of destruction in their path as they sting everything they encounter on their way. lighting upgrade or not, some things just don't do well in small spaces. why not just go with a coral that looks like an anemone, like a frogspawn or a torch.

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I dont want to sound mean or anything. Many people in my area tell me it is fine. Just how did you upgrade the lighting? and was it extremely expensive?


if people in your area tell you it's fine, and you've made up your mind that it's fine, why do you come here to ask the same question? you obviously know the answer to your own question so just go ahead and do it. at the end of the day it's your tank and your money and nobody on here can stop you from doing what you want to do.

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BTA PAGE She says a six month tank is what you should have before adding one. This link is a very good one. it will answer any questions you might have regarding BTA's


did Phishy change her name?

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Do anemones preferrably the bulb anemone need mature tanks?


You should wait at least 6 months. 9 months would be better.

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eh.. if you have to ask the question... don't get the nem.


agreed, just wait for your tank to get on it's feet and while you wait read some books and JUST READ the forums. after a month or 2 you will have much knowledge.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The nc12 dx's stock lighting is actually sufficient for a bta. but it will eventually out grow the tank and need to be moved.

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