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Does your fish have a name?


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Yeah I know, I've heard people say not to name them cuz it surely means they're not long for this world, but my 17 year old son has named our yellow watchman goby.


The fish is now known as Osama bin Goby. The story behind this is that the goby has created a system of caves and tunnels under this piece of live rock in our tank and it rarely comes out. Hence the Osama reference. I thought this was kind of clever!


I give you Osama bin Goby:

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Newman the Yellowtailed damsel

Ms. E (evil) Clarkii and her abused boyfriend Mr. W (wuss)

Craig the Scooter Blenny

Scampi 1 & Scampi 2, the cleaner shrimp. Scampi 3 was good with butter and beer at the snail and hermit party.

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you know, *I* haven't named any (except for the GOB I had - he was "Slimer"), but my GF has started naming them..


I'm gonna hafta try to convince her to give them some better names then "Happy", "Sunny" and "Sky"


Although in my FW tank I have an extremely large Parrot fish and his name is Guido 'cause he's a fat bully.. if he could talk it'd definitely be a NJ Mafia accent...


I like the common name Liz has for her scooter blenny... I think I'm gonna start calling my fish by common names... "Steve", "Frank", "Gary"... heh heh


It always starts out this way.. and before I know it, it becomes more then just a name.. MUCH more then a name... you know, "Steve has three children but left his wife for a perc-y little gal. He works in construction but spends his spare time exercising by swimming laps and drinking with his buddies Frank and Gary. Last summer Steve and Gary took a trip down the coast for a vacation, got drunk, and found themselves in a cat house... Gary got a nasty STD and has been on meds ever since."

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the only fish I ever named were shock and awe. Awe died and shock was transplanted to the 180 when I cleaned out the algae infested tank.

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Falcor(from neverending story) The Lawnmower Blennie

Curly(from 3 stooges) the Yellow tang

Newman(from Seinfeld) the Yellow tailed damsel

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Giallino (yellow tang) it meant Little yellow

Violino (friedmani ) it means little purple

Bluone (blu tang) it means big blue (nothing to do with IBM)

Roccia (bicolor blenny) it means Rock

Arciere ( Bangai cardinal) it means bowman

Fogna (yellow blenny) it means sieve (from the tunnels it digged)

Rana (scooter blenny) it means frog

Cacca (black sea cucumber) it means piece of ###### (imagine why)

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Rocky (sebae clown who battled back from a nasty case of fin rot 7 months ago)


Phil (a 12" inch long fireworm)

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Sporticus.........(Flame Hawk/Neocirrhitus armatus).........Thought a Roman theme went well with Armatus!

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Man, every thing in my tank has a name.


Isabelle - False Perc

Newton, Euler, Lagrange - Hermit crabs

Oscar and Mayer - Astrea snails

Speedy Gonzalez - Mexican Turbo snail (i know that one is lame)

Neptune - fighting Conch

Pretty Wittle Flower Things - All the Zoo's



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two cinnamon clowns - Sponge Bob and Patrick

Crab that was taken out of the tank into a bowl (no filtration and the crab is doing good) - Mr. Crab

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These are spread across several tanks:


Shadow - Niger Trigger who hides all the time.

Tubby - My regal tang who is fat as heck.

Dumbo - False percula whos just dumber than a bag of rocks.

Wiggly - Plotinus Coral Catfish

Kermit, Gonzo and Fozzy - My 3 Bluespot Jawfish they look like muppets (am trying to get a mated pair so names may change!)


The Creeper - My huge red serpent starfish


Still need names for my Kole Tang, Yellow Watchmen Gobies, My male peacock mantis and my bicolor blenny.

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I don't get to name any but my daughter does. We name the snails and the odd mithrax. In the latest tank we have:-


Dan - astraea

Fionulla - astraea

Emma - cerith

Rupert - cerith

James - margarita

Lilly - margarita


Inhabitants of other tanks


Fiona - most beautiful Trochus ever seen (now in heaven)

Big Claude(clawed)

Little Claude(clawed)

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Phil the false perc and Lil the true perc...as in the Rugrats I'm a 43 yr old huge fan of the Rugrats...don't even have any kids

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my emerald crabs name is turd hes in my 1/6 because hes a turd. the first turd died so i had to let his legend live on....

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