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False Perculas with Lymphocystis Help?


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It seems that my two perculas have Lymphocystis, I have found little information on this disease. The two clowns have puffy lips and cauliflower looking marks around their lips and heads.


Has anyone successfully brought fish back from this disease? Or have any information they can share? At first I thought this was ich and QTed them for a month only to see it progress very slowly. They have shown signs for over two months.




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  • 3 weeks later...

its a virus. you cant treat it. it wont kill them. it will go into remission eventually. i'd just put them back in the tank, it's not communicable.

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  • 4 weeks later...

One of my clowns had lymphocystis for two or three weeks. It never got any better on its own. I started dosing Reef Plus (which is a vitamin and amino acid supplement) by Seachem, to stimulate coral growth. It cleared up in a hurry.

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