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my 5.5 after 3 weeks


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they are both leathers. The top pic looks like a Kenya Tree, the bottom...? not sure what variety, maybe some type of toadstool. If so it will sread out and ram into the tree.


On the bottom right, across from the spawn...what is that. some kind of hairy bullseye shroom, fuzzy buttons, blasstomussa?


kinda looks like the latter. If so thats some real nice color on it.

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I have one of those things with the long spikes too. It wont get big, mine hasnt grown since I got it and its only a couple inches tall.

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im gonna go out on a limb here and say the first on is a sinularia leather, and the second is a toadstool. also i think i say a aptasia on the same rock with those 2 leathers might want to get rid of that.....

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the first is a Sinularia and the second is a toadstool.

Also look like your clown has hosted the powerhead.

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LOL I "unhosted" my true perc from my rio 50. I fed it with my syringe near my branching hammer, and now the fatass never goes near the rio. Also, move the powerhead to "distract" the clown, that'll prob work.

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