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Found the missing Hermit


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i had a big hermit fight in my tank about a week ago or so and one of my blue legs ended up with only two legs on the left and one claw on the right . Poor hermie. I figured I'd leave him be and see what happens. Off he goes (hobbling) to my yellow watchmans burrow to hide out. Well, a week goes by and no hermie. This morning I look on the tank and there he is with four legs. WTH? If he grew two new legs will he also grow a new claw? Just curious, I'm trading them in for smaller models anyway, but I thought it was kind of cool.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes, he will grow a new claw if u look close u may see a little claw coming in. I think it took one of mine about a month or so to have a good sized claw again.

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  • 4 weeks later...


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