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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Leather Thread...


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I can't find a leather thread (that has any replies). So maybe we'll see corals this time. I think these corals are cool and I can't wait to get one. If I had one I would start off this thread but I don't. Leather coral, colt coral, toadstool/mushroom coral, tree coral, etc, LET'S SEE EM!

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lil'wrasse cool

Hey here is some pics of my toad stools


this is from my old tank that I took down about 6 mons. ago the little TS I have since fraged





This one was not fraged its about 7"s tall 4" wide





the one I fraged I got 4 out of it here are some of them. I gave one away and one fell off the glue but doing well in the back of the tank





this was the base of the TS





And my fav pic



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Here is my toadstool leather I got for $5 from a LFS last year:



It was about the size of a quarter.


Here is a recent picture of it now with my clown goby in it (click for larger):



And here is a picture of it the FTS to show the size (click for larger):



I would say it is over 6 inches in diameter now when full opened up.

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  • 1 month later...

Here is my new leather. I'm thinking its a huge toadstool but I'm not sure. It's probably six or seven in across!









Come on!, lets see some more leathers. There is a toadstool thread on RC (gasp) that is seven pages long. Don't be shy nano-reefers. ANY leather will do.

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Okay, here are some shots of a sweet little leather I used to have. One day in a semi-local lfs I found this tiny little leather frag--which immediately made me realize why they are called toadstools:




It was barely the size of the tip of my pinky finger.


This next shot is blurry, but it does show how the distinctive two types of Sarcophyton tentacles looked when the coral was closed:




And here's an image of it when it had grown a little bit:




Sadly, it withered and died not long after. I have no idea why...all my other softies were fine, params were fine, etc. Allelelopathy? Anyway, I was most sorry to lose it!



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you know what that thing looks like don't you? haha



uhh, a small leather toadstool??


you perverts make me sick! :lol:


i was thinking the same thing too, dose this mean were both pervs?


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LOL! Everyone thinks that. Good thing that didn't become the common name of this coral...

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lol. that would be funny. It's like, "I'll sell you my (slang term here) leather for $20"


Keep em coming (wrong word). These are some nice leathers!

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I don't, sorry.

I just dropped in cause the thread title sorta caught my eye.

And I was having a bad night and needed to engage in a little comic relief.

Hope no one minded too much.


I did have a small green finger leather frag once, but I traded it into my lfs cause I suspected that it was engaging in coral warfare and I just had a 5.5 AGA at the time so I didn't really have enough room to put it off in a corner by itself.


Carry on!

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Here is a shot of my neon green toadie surrounded by Yukon Gold zoas I got from reefapprentice. My B&W clowns like to hide under the toadie.


Hey! That looks like my avatar!

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