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Rock fern?


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Hello out there, I stopped by the LFS today and they had some weird looking suff in their tank which they called rock fern. They had no idea what the heck it was, how fast it grows, or anything. Apparently the wholesaler had no idea what the heck it is either.

It was different so of course, I had to purchase it. A little chunk of this stuff came on a piece of rock for $10. I've yet to put in the tank, I think I'll wait till I hear back from someone on what it is. I've attached a pic! Any ideas?



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A customer brought this into my store once and wanted store credit for it. He said that he pulled it out of the shallow waters of the bay.


I dont know anything about it though. It didnt last in the tanks too long, the tangs liked it.

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Pinner Reef

Hmmm it dosn't look like the codium I saw at the LFS today. It's a lighter green and isn't branching. Codium does have those really thick stalks though. I can't really help beyond that-sorry


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I have the same thing. Got it as LFS, was called a fern plant. Posted it in a couple places and one of the macroalgae experts said it was probably Batophora. I've had mine for a few weeks now and it does seem to be growing. Something has nibbled on it but it is holding it's shape and looks really cool!



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