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Whats the brown stuff?


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I have a 10 gallon nano that's been set up for about 2 weeks. I have 10 lbs. of bagged live sand and 5 lbs. of live Figi ( spelling ) rock. I also have 5 lbs. of rock that was in a fish only tank that I hope will get some coraline algae soon. A cheap hang on the back filter has a phosphate pad in it, 2 13W PC's ( 10,000K/atenic ) and that's it for equipment. As far as inhabitants there 2 yellow tail damsels ( came from the fish only tank ), and a red legged hermit that my wife just had to have. All the water tests are so good it appears the tank has already cycled. Could this be possible? I'm starting to get a light brown algae on rock that has some bare spots. Is this ok? I'm also getting some bubble algae that I understand is a good thing. I'm kind of worried about the bagged live sand. I understand it has lots of bacteria but should I add some critters to it? What and how many?


I know some of you will say that the damsels in the tank is a cruel thing. They seem real happy and don't show any stress. They seem happier swimming in and out of the rock than they did in the fish only tank. I've seem some that are timid and mean but ours are ##### cats. They eat out of our fingers.


Any thoughts or suggestions will be greatly apprecaited.



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BUbble algea can become a nuiscance real quick, keep your eyees on it.

You may just need more cleaners.......one hermit isnt going to cut it. Depending on yur lighting, you may just be growing more algea than your lil Herm can mow down.

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Light brown algae? Sounds like diatoms to me... If you're tank's cycled, the diatom growth could be due to your lack of water flow. I suggest you throw a couple of powerheads in there to get things stirring. One other side note: Your nitrate readings may look good due to the fact that the algae are uptaking those nutrients. And... one final note: diatomaceus brown algae appears towards the end of the cycle. It could also go away on its own.... but I'd still put more flow into your 10g.


Good Luck - ML

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