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missing emerald crab


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While they do eat algae, they also happily scarf down any food I feed my fish or corals. Like most crabs, they learn to come out looking for food when they sense it has been added to the tank. Mine will eat anything from Cyclopeeze to Hikari sinking algae wafers...and come right to the 12" forceps or pipet to grab the food...



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I have an emerald and a red mithrax crab, both very similiar. They will disappear for days into the rock work and then come out for whatever reason. Don't expect to see them around, they are private animals. They also are good at looking inconspicuous when they want to. I don't feed my tank much extra food, so they don't come out at feeding time (as there really isn't a feeding time) but they have been happy and growing for a few months now. I guess that the moral is, don't fret, it will most likely be just fine.

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