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The Investigators ALIFE 7 Reef


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I am stupid and have used catalina water. I am now switching to deionized water and a good salt mix (Haven't decided).

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Joxer the Mighty

I also think your mini looks great!


You sound unhappy with Catalina water, do you think that's the source of your cyano? I've been battling cyano for the longest time and have wondered if Catalina water is responsible. I'm too darn lazy to mix my own, but if that's what it's gonna take...

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Ya I think the Catalina water is the source of the problem.

I will post pictures of my filtration when I get batteries for my camera.

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  • 1 year later...

Sorry to hear your problems with Catalina water. To be quite honest, I think you're in the minority. I use Catalina (Real Ocean) water all the time and haven't had any problems with it. I hope you're not topping off with tap water? If you are, I would think that's the source of the problem. Otherwise, the other explanation I can think of is that the LFS that you're getting Catalina water from is contaminating it. Perhaps they're using tap water to top off their supply of Catalina water. At one LFS, I noiticed that they have some sort of valve that's connected to their livestock tanks. They sometimes fill customers containers from this valve rather than directly from their Catalina water reservoir (out of laziness I guess). That store has a lot of cyano in their tanks but even if they didn't, I wouldn't buy my Catalina water from them since it cycles through their livestock tanks.

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Oops. I forgot to mention the reason I followed this thread.


Acoustic, do you have any tips on using the macro feature of the Olympus C-4000? I just got one ($250 at Costco) and have been trying to get sharper pictures out of it. I was thinking about getting one of those close-up lens kits that I've seen on eBay. I've already asked for recommendations on another thread http://www.nano-reef.com/forums/showthread...?threadid=31157 but I'd like to get your opinion.

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I just realized how old this thread is too. lol :) I would like to see updated pics. How many tanks do you have Acoustic? I like all your tanks you do a great job stocking and aquascaping...


I was thinking about setting up one of these alife 7's I saw them on clearence at a LFS for only $50 bills. Not bad for a tank and lights..



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