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Inhabitants Opinion


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All righty, I got the Azoo tank... 15 x 9 x 10, with the rest of my equipment listed below. Can anyone point me in the direction of what kind of inhabitants I can keep, in terms of fish, corals, and inverts? I just need a heads up on what to research. Thanks!

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fish = gobies, clowns, etc... preferrably avoid the tangs

corals = softies (if you're new, stick to zoos, star polyps, ricordea, etc)

inverts = crabs, snails, various shrimp are acceptable (many are not), whatever floats your boat... Just as long as it's reef safe, not a bastard about eating what it shouldnt

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To reiterate, stick with small fish. Firefish also work well. If you have only one fish, you could do a damsel. They're pretty mean to other fish (their own kind or otherwise). They're also attractive and really hardy, just ask anyone who used one to cycle a tank expecting it to die and it never did.


If you can get some local Xenia, that should work pretty good, too. There's also quite the array of mushrooms you could do. I'll bet you could even get away with some LPS. I've got hammer, candy cane and frogspawn in my 10 gal. The hammer has grown like crazy in the past month.


I like to start with frags. You get them small and watch them grow. Join your local reef club. There's always a wealth of knowledge and sometimes you can buy trade or beg frags.


Good luck.


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1) They grow on a rock so they are easily moved and trimmed.

2) They are easy to take care of = light and light feeding.

3) They are purdy!

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