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What a good Protien Skimmer...


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...for a 20 gal mini reef system given to me by a friend who started the cycle in Jan 03 and now has an Emperor 280 filter, 2 15W Bulbs (I need to upgrade I think), 10lbs live rock (The ground coral should be live too by now), 4 hermit crabs, 2 shrimps (peppermint and banded), 4 snails, a goby, a damsel (used to be 4-The invertibrates got to them. This is before I read "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist"), water parameters are all ok and my current concern is a little bit of green algae growing on the bottom sand coral/glass which I believe is do to the system's bio-OVERload. Which brings me back to ask what's a good protien skimmer that isn't so costly for this type of a set up. I've heard of the Skilter 400, Everclear 250 evx and a couple others. Thanks to any and all advice offered...


newbie reefer

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Dont get a skilter. I have NEVER heard anything good about them at all. I have a CPR BakPak on my 20 gallon and it works like a champ. I dont know what you consider 'costly' but at 120 bucks the BakPak was a great buy IMO.

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Try a piccolo.....lots of nice things said about them and they're cheaper ($40 vs $120) and much smaller (will fit in an AQ150 HOB)

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People can bash the Skilter all they want but mine worked great for 5+ years once I did a few modifications. The other advantage is you can get rid of the Emperor. I drilled a small hole down through the lid directly over the riser tube and added a wooden airstone powered by an air pump with a valve or rheostat control. I also bought the sponge insert for a Whisper Triad and never bought another filter pad, just rinse it out when it gets dirty.


I do have to say though, since replacing it with a CPR BakPak my tank is in better shape. I probably had almost as much invested in the Skilter as what I paid for each of my other 4 used skimmers.


The biggest mistake I made was putting in crushed coral as a substrate! It traps so much debris my nitrates went through the roof. The problem is debris gets down deep and you can't see it whereas with a sand bed it mostly sets on top where it can be removed or critters can clean it for you. I went back to a bare bottom on my 20H with my rock supported on eggcrate about 1" above the bottom so I can clean below it. My stand has a trim piece extending above the black plastic so you can't even tell . On my 15G Via Aqua I have a 4" DSB and am experimenting with both a Prizm and a Seaclone skimmer to see which I like best. So far I like the Prizm best mostly because the pump does not take up room in the tank so I have more room. Just my $0.02 worth.

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Nitro Joe

Hey all. There is a new type of skimmer that when I looked around at skimmers I decided to try. AquaC makes it, and there are quite a few reviews out there on it. I saw good things. I got the Remora model with the Maxair1200 upgrade and the prefilter over flow box and this skimmer really fractionates out the foam like mad on my 29 gallon reef tanks. I was worried about pulling out the little critters, but there are little sand fleas jumpin and hoppin all over the place. I will see if I can support some filture feeders soon as the ultimate test. The difference with these skimmers is they don't use a venturi or updraft method to produce a water/air interface. Instead they actually inject the water through a layer of air. I am using anecdotal, personal experience without any controls to refer to here (like using a Berlin type skimmer - I have never used any others) so take this with a grain of salt, but looking around, this skimmer is relatively small and quiet. If you want to see it go to www.proteinskimmer.com. ....and no. I don't have stock in the company.... just trying to add my $0.02, and hopefully be of help. :D Smaller reef tanks (to make the question more complicated) probably do not need a skimmer, especially if you keep the vertabrate livestock to a minimum. (that saves $$$). Happy shopping!

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