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RBTA Darkening


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I purchased a Rose Bubble Tip Anemone two months ago at my LFS. It was very bright pink, with long/large bubble tips. It has slowly progresses to a MUCH darker purple with short/thin tentacles. It never has bubble tips anymore either. Did I over-feed it? I don't know how this change could have occurred. Any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks everyone!





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Your tank specs? Lighting? Flow? Feeding schedule? Is it hosting clowns? You need to give out these details for others to diagnose. I happen to want a RBTA and did tons of research. Those will be the first questions I would ask.

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More likely then not, starvation, but I'd need those tank specs and to hear about your feeding schedule to know for sure.

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Here are my tank specs:


14 gal Bio-Cube

1.026 salinity

400 Calcium level

72 watts PC lighting for 12 hours per day

79 F with a chiller/heater

Maxijet 900 with hydor-flow

Hosting a clown

SPS, LPS, and Softies all growing

Chemipure, Seagel, Purigen

Protein Skimmer

Chaeto & LR

Feed Anemone 1.5 frozen (thawed) shrimp every Sat

Feed fish daily until full

Zoomax, DTs Phyto, and Cyclopees twice a week.


I'll post a picture later today. Thanks again all!



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Where in the tank is it? Bottom, middle or tippy-top?


When 'nems go into starvation, they start to consume themselves from the tentacles in, so the first sign is usually shrinking tentacles and a darkened oral disk. Hand feeding always helps but without enough light, the feeding won't do any good.


Contrary to popular belief, BTA's don't always climb to the best spot for them so it may not be high enough in the rockwork or it may be buried too deeply in the rocks. Under PC's, it should be the highest thing in the tank.


Again, I can't say for sure what is happening or why but generally, a BTA in that condition isn't getting enough light. I've had one starve under 250W metal halides before, simply because it was too stubborn to move up the rockwork a little.

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He is approx 5-6 inches deep in the tank, so near the top. I might try changing out 2 of the 3 bulbs, leave the lights on longer (?) and feeding him more vigorously. Do you have any suggestions to help him recover from this darkened state? Thanks again, I appreciate everyones input on this.



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only feed him once a week?

karen from karensroseanenomes recommonds at least once every two days.


feed more.

What do you feed?

Whatever your feeding it, stop. and feed them silversides! lol

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