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Well today i walk over to my tank and see one of my clowns laying on the bottom of the tank. It was gasping for air. I felt so bad :( all my readings seem to be fine. there is a little algea on the glass because i dont have any snails at the momeent but other then that everything seems to be fine. The tank has been set up since december with no major problems. I have read that you shouldnt add a clown to a tank that has one living in it already. I would like to get a buddy for the one i have now. Can i add another one and how do i go about in doing so. The tank is currently a FOWLR. I have it set up for coral but I wanted to wait till this summer so i can pay it more attention. Thanks for the help



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Maybe you should investigate on what caused your clown to be sick or why it is sick before adding another fish that might also get sick.


Is it possible your clown was just sleeping?

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No he wasnt sleeping. I am sure of that. I dont know what it could be, the cause of his death. I did a 15% water change the day he died. I do not know what it could be. The other clown, hermits, cleaner shrimp are all doing fine. I dont see any problems with them, they are eating and running around. Thanks for the help.


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I changed the water after he had died. I wanted to make sure that everything was ok in the tank. I didnt want to leave the water incase something was wrong.

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Sometimes fish die! If your parameters are good, I don't see a reason to quarantine the tank.


I had a ocellaris clown die after several years, and his buddy did fine by himself for 4-5 months, the I added a clarkii and their total buds now!

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dickwayne i am sorry for your loss its hard. Well i guess saturday on my way home i will pick up a new clown from Absolute fish. Thanks for all your help guys.



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