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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Firefish help?


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I have been researching for a while about the firefish :happy: (Nemateleoris magnifica) and would like any info on it & its behavior. Thanks for any advice!!!:) :)

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But I heard that this species is not very friendly to other members and will form a pecking order. :)

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As juviniles they can be kept in groups but they can be kept in pairs or singles. I would recommend you start by buying one or a male and female if you could tell them apart. I'm getting one on Sunday.

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deacon hemp

I'll add to this thread,i've owned an orange and have a purple right now make sure if going in a nano that there is no other even semi aggresive fish because it will go into hiding making it harder to feed!


My first firefish was killed by a 2.5 inch spotted watchman goby!all was fine for 2 months too!my purple has turned ##### from my clowns and there only 1 inch!!!if i could i would net him and trade for a less shy goby or summpin.

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  • 1 month later...

I am cycling a 20-gal reef tank w/10 lbs. live rock & 20 lbs. live sand. I plan to have caulerpa, an acropora coral, a cleanup crew, 1 orange firefish, and a yellow coral goby (Gobiodon okinawae [not citrinus]). Will this be sufficient for the firefish?? :)

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deacon hemp

if the yellow goby u speak of is a yellow watchman he might start to attack the firefish,it happened to me but it would work for a while.

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The yellow goby is a Gobiodon okinawae. I'm not sure if "yellow watchman" is one of its common names. Also, does the firefish need alot of water motion, unlike the other animals and coral (they ned medium)

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deacon hemp

I don't think they care about water motion,also if you use one of those rotating power heads cover the intake!they'll dart right in the hole.

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I have a heater/powerhead w/ pvc pipe fittings to increase turbulence on the outflow. There is a screen on the intake.

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