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mushrooms and recordia?s


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I am still new to the nano reef. I have read quite a bit, so far so good. I have a 5.5 gallon with about 8lbs of lr. The tank has gone through all the cycles and i have made my first water change. I picked up some nice mushrooms and some recordia frags. My questions pertain to these. For the most part everything i have read said that the main thing these require is light. i have one jbj 18w pc light(plan on picking up one more) on the tank so that should be covered, however i am not sure if i need to be putting any other supplements in the water (more calcium, plankton etc...). Any advice would be great. I would also be curious to know what kinds of supplements (brands in particular) if needed would be reccommended. I do plan on added other corals but my lfs doesnt get in very many frags. Most of the corals are to large for a nano so i am limited to what they get in. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Shrooms and rics are pretty basic.. they don't require anything food wise other then light, and you have enough for that.. as for suppliments, in theory, you shouldn't need any if you are doing regular water changes, not for those types of livestock...

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Ive also noticed i have a button polyp on one of my rocks. It doesnt look to be in the best of shape, any ideas on how to salvage it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wouldn't worry about supplements too much if you are doing regular water changes. You'll get all the supplements you need from the salt. Adding a little iodine will help them a bit.

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mushrs and rics are pretty hardy given all the maintenance...water change and stuff.....try yellow polyps too

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