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Cultivated Reef


Mr. Zero

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post-17513-1175452883_thumb.jpgExactly a year ago I purchased an Eclipse 12 Aquarium System and started a FOWLR tank. Aftering seeing a thread from about 3-4 years ago showing a nice sleak tank set up using an Eclipse 12 tank, I decided to ditch the stock lighting, filter, and hood and purchased the same 96w Coralife Aqualite Quad 50/50 fixture along with an Aquaclear 50 HOB filter. I am totally new to corals and doing lots of research. Going from the Eclipse stock 13w to 96w really brightens things up and also shows how bare to the bone my tank is as you can see from the picture. Would anyone like to send a coral/corals my way and christen the tank? Looks like I just missed out on some freebies yesterday. My two tiny 5 month old false percs are pleading for some color in the tank and are sick of the cheesey background on the tank their owner put up.
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post-17513-1175452883_thumb.jpgExactly a year ago I purchased an Eclipse 12 Aquarium System and started a FOWLR tank. Aftering seeing a thread from about 3-4 years ago showing a nice sleak tank set up using an Eclipse 12 tank, I decided to ditch the stock lighting, filter, and hood and purchased the same 96w Coralife Aqualite Quad 50/50 fixture along with an Aquaclear 50 HOB filter. I am totally new to corals and doing lots of research. Going from the Eclipse stock 13w to 96w really brightens things up and also shows how bare to the bone my tank is as you can see from the picture. Would anyone like to send a coral/corals my way and christen the tank? Looks like I just missed out on some freebies yesterday. My two tiny 5 month old false percs are pleading for some color in the tank and are sick of the cheesey background on the tank their owner put up.


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You might have better luck w/ looking for a local reef club for local trades. Plus, you won't have to pay for pricy next day shippin. From your location, maybe this club will be near your area http://www.o-r-c-a.com


With the amount of light you have over your Eclipse, it looks like it can sustain pretty much ever kind of softy and LPS just for starters.


Having a full blown reef tank is a whole lotta fun!! Enjoy!

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